Sing Nursing Home

Name :

Sing Nursing Home

Address  :

D-236, Vivek Vihar
Nr Surya Ngr, Red Light

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

110 095

Phone  :

011 22144361

Web URL  :

Not Available
  • ENT
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics

Total Number Of Beds : 30

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray

Other Mode Of Therapies

  • Homopathy
  • Physiotherapy


Singh Nursing Home was started on 27thAug1983 as quotDr Singh Medicare Centrequot at a rented premises ie near Ram Mandir D334 Vivek Vihar Delhi32 which was one of the very first few health centre in East Delhi Gupta Nursing Home Holy Child Nursing Home Ashok Nursing home and Walia Nursing Home were other ones existing at that time

The chief aim of the centre was to provide high quality Operative and Health services and Maternity services to the people of this area Since very first day of putting beds in our centre our patients and their attendents were helping in putting beds Response of ailing patients was so over whelming that we had to increase our no of beds from 4 initially to 6 then 8We were dlivering the best surgical treatment to patient and operative problems Idea had started up for bigger place In pursuance of that idea we purchased the plot D236 and construction of basement ground mazzarine floor was completed in record time and full fledged Singh Nursing Home with capacity of 15 beds pathology Lab Xray and ECG was inaugurated on 13th of April 1986the auspicious day ie Vaishakhi by former king of Gujarat state

Further expansion was done in 198788 by adding first floor and second floor thus Singh Nursing Home developed a capacity of 30 beds and facility of Ambulance amp UltraSound were added The registration of companies as a Pvt Ltd co amp Singh Nursing Home Pvt Ltd came into existence in nineties Many senior and junior doctors worked happily and gained a lot of experience

Singh Nursing Home have seen all the heights of name and fame in past years this is the 20th year of its establishment
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