Tiverton House Clinic


Name :

Tiverton House Clinic

Address  :

Tiverton House
The Slade Bucklebury

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Post Code:


Phone  :

01635 865757

Fax  :

01635 866112

Web URL  :

Not Available
Heart shrinking trial aimed at combating heart failure to begin

The technique involves electrically stimulating nerves leading up to the heart with the hope it will reduce and size and improve life expectancy It has already been trialled on rats and dogs who were found to have been kept alive longer The first patient will be operated on next week by surgeons at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital and The Royal... Read More

We thought it was just stress burnout

He wasnt remembering deadlines and appointments at work He was also making a lot of mistakes At home he was totally exhausted He would just tune out read the newspaper watch television and not talk very much Nona says quotWe thought it was just stress burnoutquot But Mike was actually showing signs of memory loss difficulty performing tasks m... Read More