Nurse Maude

Name :

Nurse Maude

Address  :

24 McDougall Avenue
P O Box 36 126

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Phone  :

375 4200

Fax  :

03 355 2051

Web URL  :


Nurse Maude provides nursing and home support services to more than 400000 people

Each year more than a million hours go into providing district and specialist nursing home support services care coordination specialist hospice palliative care stomal and continence services and allied support services including health and mobility equipment linen and meals

Our reputation for delivering consistently high quality nursing and homecare is due in no small measure to the experience professionalism commitment and sheer drive of our people

Nurse Maude is also a significant investor in the future of community health care with its Foundation establishing the New Zealand Institute of Community Healthcare to ensure that research and innovation in our sector is well supported

Nurse Maude Hospital is a 40bed fully licensed hospital with registered nursing and medical staff committed to the philosophy that the welfare of the patient must come first

The hospital specialises in aged care and those needing palliative care

Care for our patients is provided based on the recommendations from the Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit of the Canterbury District Health Board

Nurse Maude HospitalFor longterm care all intending patients must have their needs income and assets assessed before admission

Longterm care is funded by the Ministry of Health and a user partcharge may apply Formal applications for funding approval should be made in advance

Patients can be attended by their own doctor or choose to have the hospitals doctor look after them

Hospital Aides and physiotherapy hairdressing podiatry and chaplain services are all available within the hospital

Patients can be referred by their doctor public hospital or health professionals

Shortterm care can be provided for up to 28 days under the Respite Care Scheme This can be extended on assessment and is also available for those who wish to pay privately Shortterm care is available as bed occupancy allows

A charitable organisation we rely on donations and legacies to support the Nurse Maude Hospice as well as income from contracts with health providers such as the District Health Boards


Sibylla Maude

Emily Sibylla Maude was a pioneer in nursing dedicating her life to serving the needs of the poor

Her death in Christchurch on July 12 1935 marked the beginning of the first and most recognised district nursing scheme in New Zealand

The eldest of 8 children Nurse Maude was born in Christchurch in St Peters Parish on August 11 1862

Her interest in nursing began as a hospital visitor and in 1889 she went to England to train at Middlesex Hospital as a paying Lady Probationer

In November 1892 she set sail for home and started work as Matron of Christchurch Hospital but in October of 1896 seeing the increasing need of the community she took her nursing to the streets of Christchurch to nurse and care for the poor

Within her first year Nurse Maude had made more than 1000 visits on foot firmly establishing the first district nursing service in New Zealand as an integral part of the community

Leading the Way

With more than 1100 staff and a diverse range of services and support Nurse Maude continues to be a driver for change in community healthcare when it sees opportunities to improve the health and broader wellbeing of its clients

Founded in 1896 by Nurse Sibylla Maude on little more than a desire to bring care to the most vulnerable in the community and a relentless drive to do so the organisation that bears her name today now brings services to more than 400000 people

Now as always Nurse Maude continues to lead the way in community care

In excess of a million hours a year go into providing District and Specialist Nursing Homecare services Care Coordination Hospice Palliative care stomal and continence services and support services such as equipment linen and meals

Nurse Maude is also a significant investor in the future of community health care establishing the New Zealand Institute of Community Healthcare to ensure that research and innovation in this sector is well supported

bikesAs a charitable organisation Nurse Maudes income relies on donations and legacies as well as being derived from contracts with health providers such as the District Health Boards

Nurse Maudes reputation for being able to deliver high quality community care is an enviable one and that is due in no small measure to the experience commitment and sheer drive of those who work there

Working in partnership with others in developing and implementing new services and projects to advance community nursing and hospice palliative care ensures Nurse Maude remains a relevant dynamic and innovative force in the health sector

More than 110 years on Nurse Maude is still leading the way
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