Magnolia House (day Care)


Name :

Magnolia House (day Care)

Address  :

Preston Road

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Post Code:

BA20 2BN

Phone  :

01935 431725

Fax  :

01935 411063

Web URL  :

Not Available
Large city hospitals breed and spread MRSA

Hospitals in large cities are the breeding grounds of the superbug MRSA which then spreads to other hospitals as patients are transferred researchers believe The Edinburgh University team made the discovery by tracking MRSAs movements using its genetic code as a tag In the study the infection started its journey in large city centre hospitals... Read More

Hospitals are not like a McDonalds chain

It is not easy to standardise processes in the corporate hospital setup says Mr S Premkumar Group CEO Apollo HospitalsIt requires tremendous investment and years of experience he says More from Mr Premkumar on the broad trends driving the industry There is a crying need for healthcare especially private players But there are only two national hosp... Read More