Coalville Community Hospital

Name :

Coalville Community Hospital

Address  :

Broom Leys Road

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

LE67 4DE

Phone  :

01530 467400

Fax  :

01530 467456

Web URL  :

Not Available


In terms of bed numbers Coalville is our largest hospitalThere are 96 beds catering for a mix of elderly respite rehabilitation and palliative patientsThere is also a ward for patients with serious mental illness The hospital also has Outpatient servicesTherapy services and an Xray department

Care plan concerns at psychiatric hospital

WATCHDOGS say a private psychiatric hospital in Winchfield needs to improve The Care Quality Commission CQC had two moderate concerns after two inspections of the Vista Healthcare Independent Hospital in Old Potbridge Road It was in December last year that the health watchdog twice visited the hospital which has room for 69 people across six... Read More

Not in the pink of health

In India 125 lakh babies die within a year of being born which is one in every four infant deaths in the world making the countrys infant mortality rate of 471000 live births a lot worse than neighbouring Nepal Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Childbirth complications pneumonia and diarrhoeal infections cause two in three infant deaths under the a... Read More