Haryana- Hospitals

Stemis hitech aid reaches out to heart attack patients

If you have a heart attack and call the governmentrun EMRI ambulance chances are that you will land up in the care of the most experienced cardiologists in the country A group of doctors here has put together a unique technologypowered System of Care to make sure every heart attack victim in the state gets treated in time Using 3G technology smar... Read More

Support Groups A Lifeline for People in the Early Stages of Alzheimers Disease

quotIt was like opening the door to a sunlit roomquot says a member of Phyllis Dycks support group recalling the first time she attended a meeting for people in the early stages of Alzheimers disease Never before had she been with other people who understood what it was like to live with the disease Caregiver support groups have been around for ... Read More