Arvind Yadav Hospital & Research Centre


Name :

Arvind Yadav Hospital & Research Centre

Address  :

Circular Road, Dharuhera Chowk

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

01274 252033

Web URL  :

Not Available
Why singlespeciality hospitals are Prospering

The last few weeks have seen a lot of activity around single speciality clinics being set up by the two largest hospital chainsFortis Healthcare and Apollo Hospitals Fortis Healthcare has invested around Rs 30 crore in setting up Renkare a dialysis centre while Apollo has set up a joint venture with GSK Velu founder and MD Trivitron to launch denta... Read More

Four days without a heartbeatbut patient fine before operation

CHENNAI It has been four days since the heart of a 56dayold man stopped beating Relatives took him to a city hospital but over 96 hours later and without his heart being revived his condition is stable as he waits for doctors to operate on him A small machine has taken over the functions of the patients heart and lungs The machine cleanses his ... Read More