Wishard Health Services


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Wishard Health Services

Address  :

1001 West 10th Street

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Phone  :

317 639 6671

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About Us
Welcome to Wishard Thanks for visiting our Web site today The mission of Wishard Health Services is to Advocate Care Teach and Serve with special emphasis on the vulnerable populations of Marion County Indiana Wishard is proud to be one of the leading providers of healthcare in the city of Indianapolis with physicians of the Indiana University School of Medicine providing a comprehensive range of primary and specialty care services With a Level I Trauma Center and nationally recognized services such as Midtown Community Mental Health Center IU National Center of Excellence in Womens Health and the Richard M Fairbanks Burn Center at Wishard we are well equipped to handle every medical emergency We hope to be your provider of choice for all your familys healthcare needs

At Wishard patients are the most important members of the healthcare team We encourage patients and family members to ask questions and participate in decisions about their care This Web site provides patients families and the community with information that is important for you to know to be well informed of Wishards services Please take some time to explore all the innovative and excellent services we provide
Christiana Care Health System Skanska USA Top Out 215M Wilmington DE Hospital

Christiana Care Health System commemorated the structural completion of its new Wilmington Hospital during a topping out ceremony on Thursday April 12 on the top floor of the public parking garage on the hospitals campus The 215 million expansion includes a 386000squarefoot facility with a 10story patient tower and plaza that will feature new me... Read More

Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

MUMBAI It turns out that all those jokes about doctors scrawl are not funny at all Doctors illegible handwriting causes 7000 deaths in the US every year and another 15 million Americans report minor adverse reactionsbe it diarrhoea or rashesor even death Now a movement has begun in Mumbai asking the medical fraternity to write prescriptions i... Read More