Wisdom Hospice

Name :

Wisdom Hospice

Address  :

High Bank

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Post Code:


Phone  :

01634 831163

Web URL  :


Our History
The Wisdom Hospice was the vision of a local resident Molly Wisdom after she was diagnosed with cancer and recognised the need for a hospice in the Medway and Swale area

She and others began raising money she was reluctant to use her own name for the fund Everyone explained that Wisdom was an ideal name so the monies were called the Wisdom Fund for a hospice Eventually the building work was complete and the hospice was officially opened on the 31st October 1984 by HM The Queen

The Friends of the Wisdom Hospice was initially run and managed by a group of volunteers up until 12 years ago when it was agreed that some parttime paid assistance was needed Since then the Friends team has grown and there are now three full time paid members of staff and 11 Trustee Directors who provide vital support

The Wisdom Hospice is now run by the Palliative Care Services of the Medway Community Healthcare
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