Windermere Care Centre

Name :

Windermere Care Centre

Address  :

900 West 12th Avenue

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V5Z 1N3

Phone  :

604 736 8676

Fax  :

604 736 8682

Web URL  :

Windermere Care Centre


The Windermere Care Centre is a privately owned 196 bed Complex Care Facility licensed under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act of British Columbia The Centre participates in the provincial Continuing Care Program We provide some private pay beds for individuals who may not be eligible for the Continuing Care Program

It is our goal to provide as pleasant and happy a home atmosphere as possible for every resident within the reasonable limits of our capabilities We want everyone to enjoy living at The Windermere and to feel truly quotat homequot
Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

Many migraine sufferers could have fewer less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines but few eligible patients do say doctors releasing updated treatment guidelines Monday The guidelines list seven prescription medicines and one herbal remedy backed by strong evidence and include many other treatments that might work for some patient... Read More

Currys ability to fight bowel cancer will be put to the test in rigorous trial

A UK trial is investigating whether a curry ingredient can improve the treatment of patients with advanced bowel cancer Scientists will supplement standard chemotherapy with pills containing curcumin a compound found in the yellow curry spice turmeric Laboratory tests have suggested that curcumin can boost the ability of chemotherapy drugs to k... Read More