West Seattle Campus


Name :

West Seattle Campus

Address  :

2600 SW Holden Street

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Phone  :

206 933 7000

Fax  :

206 933 7014

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Mission Vision and Values
MISSION STATEMENT Improving the quality of life of people vulnerable to mental illness by providing a broad continuum of care

VISION An organization with infrastructure and resources to provide or facilitate a comprehensive range of effective accessible and needed behavioral health services for the vulnerable populations we serve

Delivering effective compassionate care through evidencebased best practices

Demonstrating the benefits we provide in making differences in peoples lives

Having a team of highly competent staff who are gratified and satisfied in their roles

Providing grounds facilities and infrastructure that promote and reflect the professional quality of our services

Operating within legal and contractual requirements

Operating with fiscal responsibility and integrity


History of the Organization
In 1963 President Kennedy put forth his vision for a nationwide system of care for people living with mental illness Here in Seattle a small band of women jointed together to realize Kennedys vision for community mental health centers Theirs was to begin in the Highline community This community mental health center is now known as Navos Since the 1980s we have developed our Navos Housing Program which now includes management of 24 properties providing home for over 300 people we established our Highline Evaluation and Treatment Facility near downtown Seattle which grew to become what is now our psychiatric hospital in West Seattle The hospital mostly serves involuntary committed adults from throughout King County Patients also selfrefer to the hospital

We eventually expanded to two mental health center campuses serving Seattle and the southern half of King County We became a Division of Vocational Rehabilitation certified program and now offer a successful Employment Services Program

In the 1990s we formed the Navos Consortium a gathering of 19 subcontractors who are able to participate in the public mental health system through purchasing our administrative services and clinical leadership Though many of our subcontractors serve children and families we also have sub contractors who offer special programs for immigrants and the elderly The Navos Consortium provides services to more than half of the children who receive care from the King County mental health system

Since 2000 we have also been licensed as a chemical dependency treatment organization Navos then launched the Expanding Community Services program which provides intensive help and housing for people with severe and persistent mental illness some of whom had lived at Western State Hospital for almost 30 years We also offer a Program of Assertive Community Services

Now we are raising funds for a new mental health center campus in Burien In June of 2008 we changed our name formerly Highline West Seattle Mental Health to Navos based on Greek and Latin root words for temple boat and vessel Our new name reflects our goal of helping people navigate through troubled waters of great challenges and landing in a state of Recovery and Wellness
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Take the Sting Out of Shots

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