Weill Cornell Medical Center

Name :

Weill Cornell Medical Center

Address  :

525 East 68th Street

Town  :

New York

State  :

New York

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Post Code:

NY 10065

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Fax  :

212 821 0576

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Doctors Of Weill Cornell Medical Center
Abhinav Sinha, D.M.D.
Abhinav Sinha, D.M.D.
D.M.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 2005
David B Leeser, M.D.
David B Leeser, M.D.
M.D., Temple University School of Medicine, 1996
Dr. Alexander Swistel
Dr. Alexander Swistel
M.D., Brown University School of Medicine, 1975
Sharon E. Abramovitz, M.D.
Sharon E. Abramovitz, M.D.
M.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, 1994.
NC Womens Hospital is identified as BabyFriendly

The North Carolina Womens Hospital has received international recognition after being named a BabyFriendly birth facility BabyFriendly USA Inc is the US authority for the global program BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative UNICEF and the World Health Organization sponsor BFHI which recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that meet criteria for ... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

Diagnosis is through MRI amp CT scans but treatment is through Cathlab Pinhole surgery is an alternative to traditional brain surgery in which the skull has to be opened The advantages are that only a short hospital stay is required for most procedures Blood loss infection pain and recovery time are reduced compared to conventional surgery Every ... Read More