Waverly Health Center


Name :

Waverly Health Center

Address  :

312 Ninth Street Sw

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

319 352 4120

Web URL  :


Mission Statement
Waverly Health Center will provide the highest quality patientfocused health care

Vision Statement
Waverly Health Center will be recognized for providing the premier health care experience in Iowa

Waverly Health Centers Values
IntegrityquotWe will be honest respectful and trustworthy
CompassionquotWe will care for others with dignity and empathy
InnovationquotWe will be creative progressive and open to change
ExcellencequotWe will consistently provide quality care and service
EnthusiasmquotWe will eagerly provide a smile and friendly atmosphere


History of Waverly Health Center
For over 100 years Waverly Health Center has existed to meet the health care needs of Waverly and the surrounding area Remarkably it has weathered changes in ownership changes in leadership and changes in health care rules regulations and reimbursement to become a stateoftheart health care facility With the perseverance of the various hospital administrations highly talented medical staff and the strong support of the community Waverly Health Center has not only survived as an independent hospital it has grown to a new level of excellence

When Waverly had no hospital Mr Abraham Slimmer Dr WA Rohlf the Sisters of Mercy and many other citizens came to the rescue to establish St Joseph Mercy Hospital in the Slimmer residence When those facilities became inadequate the community rallied and built a new hospital in 1964 When the Sisters of Mercy needed to refocus their resources elsewhere the City of Waverly and its citizens responded to the challenge to keep local health care and purchased the hospital The rest as they say is history

While other rural hospitals were closing or turning over control to larger health care systems the hospital board and administration stood firm and weathered the tough times to keep local control of the hospital This local control allows Waverly Health Center to make the needs of the citizens of Waverly and the surrounding area its top priority Although some argued that maintaining independence and building the first of the hospital expansions were risky both proved to be the right decision and direction Dedicated administrators board members physicians staff and the community continued their support and again preserved quality local health care in Waverly

For much of its history Waverly Health Center was a quiet little gem The friendly smalltown personalized care was mainly known within the local community Through all of the years of changes and growth quality and personalized care remains Waverly Health Centers strongest commitment and greatest strength

Through times of prosperity and times of struggle Waverly Health Center never lost sight of its mission to provide the highest quality patientfocused health care This mission will continue to lead us into the future
Recycled Kidney Successfully Implanted into 2nd Recipient after First Failed Transplant

Surgeons have successfully transplanted a kidney that had already been transplanted in one patient but started to fail into a second patient doctors reported on Wednesday In a report published in the the New England Journal of Medicine doctors documented the groundbreaking procedures of a kidney that had been transplanted twice in two weeks A... Read More

Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

Transplant patients who need new lungs have a better overall chance of survival if they receive donor lungs from smokers than if they remain on wait lists new British research shows The study provides strong evidence there is a net benefit to patients receiving smokers lungs even though recipients of such organs are less likely to live as long... Read More