Walton Rehabilitation Hospital


Name :

Walton Rehabilitation Hospital

Address  :

1355 Independence Drive

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Phone  :

706 724 7746

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Walton Rehabilitation Health System is the only comprehensive specialized provider of physical medicine and rehabilitation in the Central Savannah River Area CSRA Walton is accredited by TJC and CARF Services offered range from inpatient and outpatient programs for persons recovering from stroke head injuries spinal cord injuries orthopedic injuries chronic pain and other disabling illnesses and injuries to community reentry assisted living and wellness programs In its mission to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities Walton Rehabilitation Health System has grown to include Walton Community Services Walton Pain and Headache Center Walton Foundation for Independence and Walton Technologies

Waltons simple campus layout and easily accessible walkways are accommodating to individuals with physical disabilities Our singlestory facilities are specifically designed to accommodate physical rehabilitation patients

Waltons central location allows collaboration with the Medical College of Georgia University Health System the Augusta VA Medical Center Trinity Hospital Doctors Hospital and Aiken Regional Medical Centers Walton cares for more stroke patients each year than any other rehabilitation hospital in Georgia

Walton was honored with the 2007 NAHMAs Communities of Quality awards for the Development for the Elderly and the Development for Residents with Special Needs

Walton received the 2003 Magnolia Award for Excellence in affordable accessible rental housing Walton fosters research and development of new or improved methods procedures and devices in the fields of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and in Pain and Headache Management

Walton has been awarded the 2002 Georgia Hospital Association Community Leadership Award for exemplary leadership and initiative contributing to the health and wellbeing of the people of Georgia

Walton Rehabilitation Health System restores ability hope and independence to people who need medical rehabilitation andor community support following temporary illness injury or a lifechanging disability

Walton Rehabilitation Health System will be a highly regarded rehabilitation health system focused on patient family and community needs Walton is committed to providing a broad spectrum of comprehensive physical medicine and rehabilitation programs and services in the safest environment as well as the highest quality and value to our customers To achieve this Walton will

Maintain a relentless dedication to excellence and innovation

Provide exceptional care and supportive community resources

Be an employer of choice

Emphasize services that are meaningful and promote quality of life and
Ensure a sound financial base and fiscal responsibility throughout all levels of the organization

Walton Rehabilitation Health System will accomplish this mission by steadfast adherence to the core values of staff

Excellence We are committed to enhancing the value and quality of life of those it serves by being accountable for our actions by relentlessly pursuing the best possible outcome for each patient by continuously enhancing our technical knowledge and skills by providing state of the art services by surpassing the expectations of our customers and by developing centers of excellence and specialization

Customer Focus We believe in the inherent value and uniqueness of each individual in placing the patients needs first in being friendly courteous and respectful We believe in acknowledging patients by name in treating each individual with dignity and compassion in supporting and including families throughout the rehabilitative decision making process in creating and maintaining a caring environment and in seeking out the point of view of our patients

Advocacy We are committed to serving the community by sponsoring and supporting charitable activities by collaborating with other organizations for the good of the community and by providing a continuum of diverse services and programs to enhance the quality of life of disabled citizens in our community

Professionalism We are committed to setting a good example through our words and actions to strong personal integrity and honesty in the delivery of care to maintaining high standards of personal conduct to maintaining strict confidentiality to being reliable and trustworthy and to taking pride in our work

Teamwork We believe in open and honest communication we listen to the point of view of others we strive to maintain cohesion and cooperativeness among coworkers we help others to succeed we respect differences and diversity and we value the contributions of all team members

Creativity amp Innovation We strive continually to improve our services and delivery of care we search for new ways and resources to provide a positive health care experience for those we serve

Stewardship We are committed to the wise and prudent use of all our resources and to individually work productively and efficiently in order to best serve our patients now and in the future

Positive Approach We believe each individual is responsible for creating a positive environment by approaching responsibilities with enthusiasm and optimism by being charitable toward others and by celebrating the successes and good work of our patients and peers


Eighteen years ago a vision was supported by community leaders in Augusta GA A vision to help people with disabilities realize their functional level of independence To empower both mind and spirit to enable to participate fully in society This vision would be the cornerstone of an organization that has been instrumental in the lives of many individuals with disabilities

1988 Walton Rehabilitation Hospital opens

1988 JCAHO and CARF accreditations are achieved

1989 Pediatric wing is added to the main hospital

1990 Outpatient Building is added to the campus

1994 Walton Options for Independent Living CIL opens

1995 Walton West Community ReEntry Program for BI clients opens

1995 Satellite facilities give the CSRA access to more convenient
outpatient care

1996 Independent Living Horizons ILH Apartments I II opens

1997 ILH IV opens

1998 Walton Foundation is formed to raise philanthropic funds

1998 Harison Heights Assisted Living facility opens

2000 ILH V and VI open

2000 Walton Pain Center opens

2002 Walton Technologies a research facility opens

2002 Walton Headache Center opens

2003 Walton Thrift Shoppe opens adding a new vocational rehab
component of Walton West

2003 ILH VII opens

2004 Walton Rehabilitation Health System is officially formed to
unite all services

2005 ILH VIII opens

2005 Harison Heights is expanded

2006 ILH IX opens

2007 Walton was honored with the 2007 NAHMAs Communities of Quality
awards for the Development for the Elderly and the Development for Residents with Special Needs

2009 Walton opens a Physical Medicine amp Rehabilitation Clinic in Aiken SC
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