W B Jones Alcohol & Drug Ctr

Name :

W B Jones Alcohol & Drug Ctr

Address  :

2577 West Fifth Street

Town  :


State  :

North Carolina

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Post Code:


Phone  :

252 830 3426

Fax  :

252 830 8585

Web URL  :


The Walter B Jones Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center WBJADATC opened its doors in June 1969 as a 76bed short term residential treatment center The center serves 33 counties in the Eastern Region and five counties in the South Central Region

The Center provides treatment for pregnant and postpartum women and their infants and has an onsite maternal unit The center has a Family Services Department under the supervision of a certified Marriage and Family Therapist and all substance abuse counselors are either certified by the NC Substance Abuse Professional Certification Board or are working toward certification

The Center offers practicums and internships from undergraduate to post doctoral levels and has recently received students from UNC Chapel Hill ECU The University of Miami The University of Ontario and Campbell College Several of the Centers professional staff hold adjunct professorship appointments with ECU and the ECU School of Medicine

Outcome studies conducted over the past several years consistently show that 70 percent of the Greenville center clients are soberdrug free six months after discharge
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