Village Care Rehabilitation And Nursing Center


Name :

Village Care Rehabilitation And Nursing Center

Address  :

214 West Houston Street

Town  :

New York

State  :

New York

Country  :


Post Code:

NY 10014

Phone  :

212 337 9411

Fax  :

212 255 9459

Web URL  :

  • Health Check Up

Total Number Of Beds : 105


VillageCare Rehabilitation and Nursing Center is a stateoftheart rehabilitation center It is designed not as an endpoint facility but rather is a place where patients receive rehabilitation and recovery care to prepare them to return home
The sixstory 105bed Rehabilitation and Nursing Center is the first newly built skilled nursing facility in Manhattan in more than half a century
Staff at The Center have been specially trained to enhance their abilities to interact with patients and to work in nontraditional ways with those in their care and with their families The stateoftheart medicine and care along with surroundings and an environment designed to promote healing and wellbeing enhance the patientstaff relationship
Common areas are central to the two distinct neighborhoods that are created on each floor The commons are where patients can socialize with other patients dine relax and visit with family friends and loved ones Dining areas on each floor have selfserve hospitality food bars and fullservice pantries
The overall facility design promotes efficient and effective delivery of rehabilitation services respecting individual privacy and dignity A healing bamboo garden integrated into the entire facility footprint so that it can be seen from all levels will offer a place for quiet social interaction and contemplation

The design facilitates the flow of patients and staff throughout the Center Operationally wireless electronic medical records wireless staff communications and electronic dietary patient monitoring and workflow systems will support better staff functioning and patient care


VillageCare Rehabilitation and Nursing Center is a stateoftheart rehabilitation center It is designed not as an endpoint facility but rather is a place where patients receive rehabilitation and recovery care to prepare them to return home
The sixstory 105bed Rehabilitation and Nursing Center is the first newly built skilled nursing facility in Manhattan in more than half a century
Staff at The Center have been specially trained to enhance their abilities to interact with patients and to work in nontraditional ways with those in their care and with their families The stateoftheart medicine and care along with surroundings and an environment designed to promote healing and wellbeing enhance the patientstaff relationship
Common areas are central to the two distinct neighborhoods that are created on each floor The commons are where patients can socialize with other patients dine relax and visit with family friends and loved ones Dining areas on each floor have selfserve hospitality food bars and fullservice pantries
The overall facility design promotes efficient and effective delivery of rehabilitation services respecting individual privacy and dignity A healing bamboo garden integrated into the entire facility footprint so that it can be seen from all levels will offer a place for quiet social interaction and contemplation

The design facilitates the flow of patients and staff throughout the Center Operationally wireless electronic medical records wireless staff communications and electronic dietary patient monitoring and workflow systems will support better staff functioning and patient care
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