Veterans Affairs Med Center


Name :

Veterans Affairs Med Center

Address  :

2121 North Avenue

Town  :

Grand Junction

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

970 242 0731

Fax  :

970 244 1303

Web URL  :


About Us
The Grand Junction VA Medical Center VAMC serves 37000 veterans residing on the Western Slope The VAMC consists of one facility located in the city of Grand Junction a Community Based Outpatient Clinic CBOC in Montrose serving the southwestern Colorado counties and a telehealth outreach clinic in Craig serving northwestern Colorado and southwestern Wyoming The VAMC operates 53 beds comprised of 23 acute care and 30 Transitional Care Unit beds The VAMC provides primary and secondary care including acute medical surgical and psychiatric inpatient services as well as a full range of outpatient services The VAMC was the recipient of the 2001 Presidential Award for Quality and the 1999 Robert W Carey Quality Award Trophy It is the first and only organization ever in VA to earn the Presidential Award for Quality

VAMC Grand Junction Colorado exists to serve the veteran through the delivery of timely quality care by staff who demonstrate outstanding customer service the advancement of health care through research and the education of tomorrows health care providers

VAMC Grand Junction will be recognized locally regionally and nationally as a leader in quality patient care positive customer service medicalallied health education healthrelated research and employment opportunities

Key Business Drivers

Our key business drivers are quality financial integrity patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction

Core Values We are dedicated to upholding and preserving the values defined in the ICare program

Inegrity Act with high moral principle Adhere to the highest professional standards Maintain the trust and confidence of all with whom I engage

Commitment Work diligently to serve Veterans and other beneficiaries Be driven by an earnest belief in VAs mission Fulfill my individual responsibilities and organizational responsibilities

Advocacy Be truly Veterancentric by identifying fully considering and appropriately advancing the interests of Veterans and other beneficiaries

Respect Treat all those I serve and with whom I work dignity and respect Show respect to earn it

Excellence Strive for the highest quality and continuous improvement Be thoughtful and decisive in leadership accountable for my actions willing to admit mistake and rigorous in correcting them
NC Womens Hospital is identified as BabyFriendly

The North Carolina Womens Hospital has received international recognition after being named a BabyFriendly birth facility BabyFriendly USA Inc is the US authority for the global program BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative UNICEF and the World Health Organization sponsor BFHI which recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that meet criteria for ... Read More

Freemium Medical Care Indian Hospital Shows That A Charitable Hospital Can Still Make A Profit

Aaron DeOliveira points us to an interesting documentary and related series of articles about a hospital in Bangalore India called Narayana Hrudayalaya which is providing top notch medical services to all comers and still making a profit in doing so The trick appears to be a variation on the basic concepts of the quotfreemiumquot model where you pa... Read More