Veterans Affairs Med Center Albany Stratton


Name :

Veterans Affairs Med Center Albany Stratton

Address  :

113 Holland Avenue

Town  :


State  :

New York

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Post Code:


Phone  :

518 626 5000

Fax  :

518 626 5500

Web URL  :


Stratton VA Medical Center
The Stratton VA Medical Center part of VA Health Care Upstate New York is located in the heart of Albany New York Located in the capital of New York State this medical center serves veterans in a 100mile radius Opened in 1951 the medical center serves veterans in 22 counties of Upstate New York Western Massachusetts and Vermont

In 1990 this facility was named in honor of Samuel S Stratton US Congressman of the 23rd District a staunch supporter of veterans and a frequent visitor to the hospital The medical center provides primary care wellness and prevention outpatient care and comprehensive primary secondary and tertiary inpatient care in medicine plus a full range of outpatient services Veterans Benefit Counselors are available at this medical center as well as a comfort home and hoptel for outpatients and their families Our Voluntary Service office supports the delivery of veteran health services through volunteerism and donations from community and service organizations in the Albany area

The Stratton VA Medical Center provides specialized medical services such as cardiac catheterization cardiac rehabilitation nuclear medicine radiation oncology stereotactic radiosurgery hospicepalliative care adult day health care posttraumatic stress disorder compensated work therapy memory clinic geriatric assessment nursing home and respite care In addition we offer a Women Veterans Health Program that addresses a variety of health care needs specific to women veterans Services include gynecology bone density screening and onsite mammography There is also extensive diagnostic laboratory medicine and radiology including computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging

The primary care program provides services at the medical center and at several community based outpatient clinics in Glens Falls Sidney Elizabethtown Schenectady Troy Kingston Plattsburgh Malone Clifton Park Fonda and Catskill as well as one in Bennington Vermont These practices serve an integral role in the provision of expanded primary and preventive medical services

The goal of the Stratton VA Medical Center is to provide the highest quality health care services through continuous quality improvement and technical excellence The Stratton VA Medical Center has many internationally recognized scientists conducting medical research in areas of cancer pneumonia and post traumatic stress disorder

The American College of Surgeons designated the Stratton VA as a Comprehensive Cancer Center Affiliated residency programs are fully integrated with Albany Medical College Residents and medical students from Albany Medical College and other medical schools rotate through the medical center on a continuous basis We also provide internshipsfellowships for most health care disciplines including social work nursing public relations and health care administration

About Albany New York

Albany the capital of New York State is located on the west bank of the Hudson River approximately 150 miles north of New York City It is included in the Capital District along with Schenectady and Troy encompassing four counties with a population of over 600000 Albany serves as a major seaport and transportation center offering diverse opportunities in many areas


History of the Samuel S Stratton VA Medical Center
Commitment and Excellence in Health Care
Since 1951

The campaign to build Albany Samuel S Stratton Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center began in 1945 with help from Congressmen the Times Union WGY and a patriotic community who wanted their war injured close to home The Albany Stratton VA Medical Center was built on the twin promises of providing Americas heroes with excellent health care and serving the surrounding community

In the wake of World War II 16 million veterans were left without adequate health care and there were not a sufficient number of hospital beds in the nation to accommodate the wounded who had so bravely served

Albany Stratton VA Medical Center

Research and new technology are a large part of fulfilling the original promise The Albany Stratton VA Medical Center was the first medical facility in the area to provide radiation therapy to serve both veterans and the community The research showing that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD is a physiological based illness originated at the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center In the 1980s Dr Kolb and his colleagues created a test to measure physiological reaction among combat veterans This discovery serves combat veterans all over the world as well as anyone exposed to trauma

Today Stratton VA Medical Center is a proud member of VA Health Care Upstate New York stretching from Albany to Buffalo and providing a full range of inpatient and outpatient services The Networks emphasis on patient safety and improved access for care was recently acknowledged with the presentation of the National Carey Award to the Network VAs highest honor recognizing quality

Eleven Primary Care Clinics in the community bring care closer to where veterans live As one of the largest employers in the region Stratton VA Medical Center impacts the community both medically and economically employing approximately 1200 people In addition the Stratton VA Medical Center appreciates the contribution of more than 700 volunteers

Recent advances in medical technology include the use of bar code medicine dispensing VA Health Care Upstate New York is the first in the nation to implement this technology that is the most advanced method for minimizing medication errors

Stratton VA Medical Center leads health care in the community in its use of Stereotactic Radiosurgery The Stratton VA Medical Center was one of the first four places in the world able to use this technology on the entire body not the just the brain

The Stratton VA Medical Center continues to grow and improve in a community of supportive leaders and volunteers and with a highly professional dedicated staff More than fifty years of VA health care in Albany is indeed a very proud accomplishment
Elmer Hospital named babyfriendly

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Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More