Valley County Hospital


Name :

Valley County Hospital

Address  :

217 Westridge Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

97338 2899

Phone  :

308 728 3211

Web URL  :

Not Available
Michigan Hospital Designated Baby Friendly

DETROIT CBS Detroit Looking for a place to get comfy with your new baby Think about William Beaumont Hospital in Grosse Pointe which is the only hospital in the state designated as Baby Friendly by the group BabyFriendly USA BabyFriendly which is sponsored by the World Health Organization and United Nations Childrens Fund recognizes hospitals th... Read More

People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

quotI want to do as much as I can before this thing cuts me offquot quotThis thingquot is Vascular Dementia a form of dementia resulting from a single or multiple strokes Cynthia Williams wants you to know what its like to live with dementia quotI want people to know how humiliating it is to be treated like someone who has something so terrib... Read More