VA Southwest Health Care Network


Name :

VA Southwest Health Care Network

Address  :

6950 E. Williams Field Rd

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

602 222 2681

Web URL  :


Veterans Integrated Service Network 18 VISN 18
covers 352000 square miles of highly diverse geography across the Southwestern United States The network service area includes Arizona New Mexico the western portion of Texas as well as bordering counties in Colorado Kansas and Oklahoma We currently serve approximately 223000 of the 911000 veterans residing in the network Within its vast borders VISN 18 provides a comprehensive continuum of health care to veterans via 7 health care systems 6 VA nursing home care units 3 domiciliaries and 41 community based outpatient clinics Managing a total annual budget in excess of 15 billion VISN 18 employs 8400 full time equivalent employees

The network maintains approximately 1350 inpatient beds and treats 26000 inpatients annually VISN 18 also supports 28 million outpatient visits each year Network health care services include inpatient acute care outpatient and primary care mental health services psychosocial rehabilitation geriatrics care longterm care diagnostic services specialized care such as Blind Rehabilitation and Spinal Cord Injury care general rehabilitation services prosthetics and sensory aids

Honor Americas veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and wellbeing

Vision Statement
To be a patient centered integrated health care organization for veterans providing excellence in health care research and education an organization where people choose to work an active community partner and a backup for National emergencies

Core Values

Domain of Values
Cost Effectiveness
Healthy Communities
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