Va San Diego Healthcare System


Name :

Va San Diego Healthcare System

Address  :

3350 Lajolla Village Drive

Town  :

San Diego

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

858 552 8585

Web URL  :


The VA San Diego Healthcare System VASDHS provides high quality health care with advanced technologies and a commitment to friendly compassionate service to more than 241892 veterans in the San Diego and Imperial Valley counties We provide medical surgical mental health geriatric spinal cord injury and advanced rehabilitation services VASDHS has 232 hospital beds including skilled nursing beds and operates several regional referral programs including cardiovascular surgery and spinal cord injury The facility also supports two Vet Centers in San Diego and San Marcos

We are affiliated with the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and provide training for 1567 medical interns residents and fellows as well as 64 other teaching affiliations for nursing pharmacy dental and dietetics VASDHS has one of the largest research programs in the VA nationally with a budget of 522 million FY 2010 185 principal investigators and 534 projects
Karmanos Cancer Center receives HealthGrades 2012 Outstanding Patient Experience Award

HealthGrades analyzed patient satisfaction data for 3837 hospitals in the country using Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems HCAHPS hospital survey data obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS The information was compiled from surveys given to a random sample of patients who were discharged from ... Read More

Take the Sting Out of Shots

ARA Kids hate needles Many adults do too In fact millions of people get extremely anxious when they have to receive a shot because they are afraid it will hurt This fear of getting a shot is a major concern since children need a lot of them They need vaccinations or quotshotsquot to be protect them from dangerous diseases including measles mump... Read More