Unicoi County Memorial Hospital, Inc.


Name :

Unicoi County Memorial Hospital, Inc.

Address  :

100 Greenway Circle

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

423 743 3141

Web URL  :


UCMH Mission
Unicoi County Memorial Hospital Incs vision is to be an extraordinary community based healthcare organization providing specialty services to the region

Unicoi County Memorial Hospital Inc will meet and exceed community and regional expectations through our quality driven efficient organization by planning coordinating and delivering a broad range of general and specialty healthcare services

C oncern We value the needs of our community by providing quality driven efficient care and sincere interest in our patients and residents wellbeing

A ppreciation We value the people of the community their opinions and utilization of services offered by our organization

R espect We value the individuality of our patients and residents and strive to ensure treatments that respect the dignity and self determination of all served

E mpowerment We value the ability to provide educational opportunities to the community to enable them to make better healthcare decisions

The following objectives shall guide all departments and employees of the hospital
1 Treat all patients with respect sympathy kindness and understanding
realizing that illness and hospitalization are trying experiences for
patients their family and friends

2 Recognize and understand the health care social spiritual and cultural
needs of all patients and cooperate with them in meeting these needs

3 Give expert nursing care

4 Provide members of the medical staff with the best possible environment and
facilities for quality patient care

5 Participate and encourage inservice and continuing education for medical
staff and employees

6 Encourage all employees in their efforts to obtain personal satisfaction and
selfimprovement from their work

7 Instill and maintain in every employee a deep sense of responsibility and
loyalty to the organization and the community


History of UCMH
Climaxing years of effort by many citizens of the community the first patient was admitted to Unicoi County Memorial Hospital on February 1 l 953 The 40bed structure was built with funds from the city county and federal governments

The first Board of Control comprised of three representatives elected by the Unicoi County Court and three elected by the Erwin Board of Mayor and Aldermen met on June 21 1950 Two years later the Boards membership was enlarged to include the Chief of the Hospital Medical Staff

Several additions have been made to the original hospital structure Funds donated in memory of Mr and Mrs C W Foreman were used to construct a larger laboratory in 1962 In October of 1969 a 27bed Longterm Care Unit was opened and in 1977 an additional 19 Longterm beds were added Also in 1977 a new surgery suite kitchen and dining room were added along with complete renovation of all general hospital rooms the emergency room and Business Office In 1978 a doctors building consisting of two identical suites was built on hospital grounds A third Suite was added in 1980 In 1982 these buildings were named the Pauline A Vaughn Medical Building in honor of Mrs Vaughn who retired after years of service as Administrator In 1985 hospital services were improved and expanded with the addition of a new laboratory radiology and medical records facility In 1987 a new 2bed Intensive Care Unit was opened The fourth doctors building was completed in 1989 Also in 1989 the operating and recovery rooms were renovated In 1990 a CT scanner was installed and the hospital nursing wing completely renovated In 1993 a new maintenance facility was built and an xray addition was added to the doctors building In 1994 the hospital purchased additional land for future expansion and a CArm was donated to the hospital by the estate of Annie McFall

January 1999 saw the completion of the emergency room renovation and the expansion of materials management offices and several departments The front of the hospital was improved and renovated in August 2001
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