The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center


Name :

The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center

Address  :

250 25th Avenue North

Town  :


State  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

615 342 1919

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic Surgeon
  • Dermatology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Hematologist
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology


The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center
The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center SCCC is a network of 9 affiliated medical facilities in Tennessee and Southern Kentucky that provides diagnosis and treatment to cancer patients Our network is composed of physicians and teams who care for cancer patients throughout the region This allows our patients treatment and medical care in a community setting close to home All of our facilities operate cooperatively to provide stateoftheart diagnostic tests as well as the latest treatment modalities

Through the work of The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center and its network of over 100 medical oncologists gynoncologists hematologists radiation oncologists pathologists and surgeons in 2 states more patients are benefiting from life saving cancer diagnosis and treatment The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center Network diagnosed and treated over 4000 newly diagnosed cancer patients last year

The Sarah Cannon Cancer Center has grown to become the largest community based privately funded diagnostic and treatment center in the country The network of facilities operates cooperatively to provide stateoftheart diagnostic tests as well as the latest treatment modalities

Through its affiliation with Sarah Cannon Research Institute SCCC helps its patients gain access to research studies and oncology clinical trial programs Annually over 1400 patients are participating in the treatment protocols established by our Nashville cancer center

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