The John A. DeQuattro Community Cancer Center


Name :

The John A. DeQuattro Community Cancer Center

Address  :

73-A Haynes Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

860 533 4000

Web URL  :

Not Available


The John A DeQuattro Community Cancer Center features stateoftheart technology and warm sensitive caring professionals It has been designed to meet the physical and emotional needs of cancer patients and their families

Services at the Center have been planned so that the entire community benefits from a comprehensive program of care that includes education screenings early detection treatment rehabilitation continuing care support services hospice care and research

For individuals who will travel the difficult path created by a diagnosis of cancer The John A DeQuattro Community Cancer Center provides the services and treatments to cope with a disease that more people are surviving than ever before

Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

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Concerns in UK over feeding tube diet

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