Stony Lodge Hospital

Name :

Stony Lodge Hospital

Address  :

40 Croton Dam Road

Town  :


State  :

New York

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

914 941 7400

Web URL  :


Hudson River The Hospitals northern Westchester location is easily accessible from New Jersey Connecticut and New York City as well as from northern New York State

Stony Lodge Hospital is committed to providing the most comprehensive and costeffective psychiatric and dual diagnosis treatment to individuals and families Our patients receive the most appropriate care at the least restrictive level Our treatment programs promote wellness and are designed to return patients to their homes families and communities as quickly as possible Each potential patient is evaluated by a board certified psychiatrist prior to admission to Stony Lodge Those who meet the clinical criteria can be admitted into either our Child or one of our Adolescent programs

Mission Statement
To deliver the highest quality psychiatric healthcare available in a manner which meets the needs of the community at a reasonable cost

To actively participate in the community mental health system and function as a comprehensive resource for mental health needs in the area

To attract retain develop and motivate enthusiastic and loyal employees who can identify with and make commitment to the mission of Stony Lodge Hospital

To develop a progressive responsive and professional staff capable of meeting and realizing new challenges and opportunities in the psychiatric healthcare field

To foster a positive work environment for physicians and staff which maximizes the use of our recourses supports our employees growth and builds our position in the mental health field

To conduct our affairs with integrity and ensure the delivery of services in a highly professional and ethical manner in order to maintain a position of trust and respect with our patients employees and the communities we serve

To continue to examine and pursue alternative development plans for the human physical financial and service oriented growth of the hospital
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