St Vincent~s Hospital - Brock Fahrni Pavilion

Name :

St Vincent~s Hospital - Brock Fahrni Pavilion

Address  :

4650 Oak Street

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State  :

British Columbia

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Post Code:

V6H 4J4

Phone  :

604 806 9710

Fax  :

604 806 9706

Web URL  :


St Vincents sites include two residential care facilities Brock Fahrni Pavilion and Langara and one assisted living residence Honoria ConwayHeather
St Vincents Hospital Arbutus Site was closed on March 1 2003 as part of a longterm strategy to revitalize services for the elderly through development of innovative new models of elder care in new facilities St Vincents Hospital Heather was an acutecare and residentialcare facility that was closed in March 2004 with its acute care services and programs transferred to Mount Saint Joseph and St Pauls hospitals The residential care unit and Urgent Care Centre also closed

In the coming years as an integral part of Providence Health Cares vision of renewal the Legacy Project the 75 acre property at the corner of Heather Street and 33rd Avenue in Vancouver the site of the former St Vincents Hospital Heather will be redeveloped into a quotCampus of Carequot When the Campus of Care is complete Providence will be able to offer a broad range of residential and nonresidential services for seniors allowing them to ageinplace in a community of choice

The first component of the Campus of Care is the newly built residence for seniors who live independently with assistance Honoria Conway at St Vincents Heather which opened at the end of August 2008


Brock Fahrni Pavilion is an extended care facility located on Vancouvers west side It is home to 150 residents many of whom are armed forces veterans The facility includes an Artworks Studio chapel sundeck and greenhouse Each floor features a large dayroomdining room with a fireplace where residents can gather to share in activities

Brock Fahrni programs are greatly enriched by its association with Veterans Affairs Canada the Royal Canadian Legion and Army Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada
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