St Thomas More Hospital


Name :

St Thomas More Hospital

Address  :

1338 Phay Ave

Town  :

Canon City

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

719 285 2313

Web URL  :

St Thomas More Hospital
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic Surgeon
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • Family Practice
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Hematologist
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Paediatrics
  • Pain Management
  • Pathology Lab
  • Podiatry
  • Psychiatrist
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 55


About Us
Cornerstone for health care services
Nestled in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in Cantildeon City St Thomas More Hospital is the areas cornerstone for health care services Its rich history of providing comfort and healing began in 1938 when a halfdozen Benedictine nuns opened its doors Today the hospital plays a pivotal role in this rural community by providing 24hour emergency and acute care to Fremont County residents neighboring communities and the many visitors who flock to the area

Mission amp Values
Centura Health is a nonprofit faithbased health care system dedicated to improving the lives of the people in our communities We are made up of more than 12000 associates each of whom is committed to the healing ministry of Christ to care for those in need particularly the sick the injured and the elderly

Mission Statement
We extend the healing ministry of Christ by caring for those who are ill and by nurturing the health of the people in our communities

Vision Statement
Centura Health will fulfill a covenant of caring for our communities with excellence and integrity to become their partner for life

The ministry of Christ calls upon us to act justly and love mercifully Our actions are guided by a set of seven core values

In serving our customers their families and each other we will
Honor the individuality of each person
Treat each person with dignity taking the time to be present to listen to
explain and to understand
Create a caring environment that exudes humanity humility grace and love

In working with each other we will
Encourage and value the contributions of each person and make each feel
supported reassured and empowered
Listen well communicate openly and honestly and encourage others to do the
Treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves relating so well with
them that they actively seek to associate with us

In all of our interactions we will
Foster trust by being truthful empathetic and consistent
Be authentic and courageous aligning what we are thinking saying feeling
and doing
Be responsible for and follow through on the commitments we make

In honoring the missions ministries and heritages of our Catholic and our Adventist sponsors we will
Add meaning and purpose to the lives of our associates physicians and
Celebrate the role of spirituality in healing for each individual

Serve each other and our communities in harmony with the inclusiveness
wholeness and touch that characterized Christs healing ministry

In managing the natural human and financial resources to which we have been entrusted we will
Seek ways to appropriately utilize resources allowing us to become more
effective and productive

Act responsibly taking only those actions that align with our mission

Be accountable to the organization and to each other for our actions and the
outcomes they produce

In seeking to grow our ministry we will
Look beyond the challenges of the present and envision what is possible

Cultivate and reward innovation and risk taking

Embrace continuous learning and positive technological advancement

In all we do we will
Put forth our personal and professional best providing the highest quality
of care of which we are capable

Commit ourselves to continuous improvement seeking to set the recognized
performance standards within our industry

Deliver a superior experience for all of our customers sensing their needs
and exceeding their expectations

These are more than words to us Our mission is lived out every day by our actions and we are held accountable by our sponsors Catholic Health Initiatives and PorterCare Adventist Health System to prove how we are fulfilling our mission In addition every significant decision made within Centura Health must undergo a Values Impact Analysis that weighs the decision in light of our core values


Our History
The Rule of Benedict directs quotLet care be given the sick that they may be served as Christquot

This was the call the Benedictine Sisters of Yankton South Dakota heeded when they came Cantildeon City Colorado more than 60 years ago The Sisters responded to a plea from Abbot Leonard Schwinn of Holy Cross Abbey in 1938 Abbot Schwinn was searching for nuns to take over the Fremont County Doctors Hospital founded in Cantildeon City in 1917 and located at 432 Greenwood This began a mission of healing and ministry that would continue until 1994

A total of six Sisters had arrived by November of 1938 Working all day seven days a week these women dedicated their lives to the health and well being of the citizens of Fremont County Sister Maurita quoted in the Pueblo Chieftain in May 1988 said quotThere were no days off We had no such things in those days There wasnt much time for anything but workquot

And work they did Together they laid the groundwork for the future of nonprofit religiousbased health care in Fremont County

They first purchased a larger building to house the hospital the former YMCA building at 431 Macon Avenue and extensively remodeled it

was named Thomas More Hospital in honor of the English martyr who lived according to the teachings of his faith

In 1942 it was renamed Saint Thomas More Hospital

In 1968 with the donation of 10 acres of land and the fundraising efforts of the community our current hospital was built at 1338 Phay Avenue The move allowed St Thomas More to diversify into such areas as home health care long term health care and rehabilitation services services not usually available in rural hospitals at that time

Like its predecessors our current facility has been remodeled several times in the last thirty years to better serve the needs of our patients Extensive remodeling in 1996 occurred in the ER and outpatient surgery areas and provided for a new main lobby In the summer and fall of 2000 a new quotupdatedquot look was given to the patient rooms and nursing station in the medicalsurgical wing

In 1994 the Benedictine Sisters turned the reins of St Thomas More Hospital over to the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Ohio while still maintaining great interest in the hospitals success Two years later the Sisters of Charity Health Services of Colorado and PorterCare Adventist Health System formed a new nonprofit statewideintegrated health care delivery system known as Centura Health St Thomas More is now an affiliate of Centura Health

The Benedictine heritage lives on however as we strive to carry on their good works
Hospital checklists cut readmissions Medicare costs

In another win for inhospital checklists new research finds that a simple onepage checklist can keep heart patients out of the hospital as well as save Medicare billions of dollars according to a presentation Saturday at the American College of Cardiologys ACC annual scientific session After using the 27question checklist before discharge 30day ... Read More

Not in the pink of health

In India 125 lakh babies die within a year of being born which is one in every four infant deaths in the world making the countrys infant mortality rate of 471000 live births a lot worse than neighbouring Nepal Sri Lanka and Bangladesh Childbirth complications pneumonia and diarrhoeal infections cause two in three infant deaths under the a... Read More