St Rose Dominican Hospital


Name :

St Rose Dominican Hospital

Address  :

3001 Saint Rose Parkway

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Phone  :

702 616 5000

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Our Mission Vision amp Values
Catholic Healthcare West and St Rose Dominican Hospitals are committed to furthering the healing ministry of Jesus and to providing highquality affordable healthcare to the communities we serve

St Rose Dominican Hospitals Mission Statement
Under the sponsorship of the Adrian Dominican Sisters and in response to the changing needs of the people of southern Nevada St Rose Dominican Hospitals offers quality compassionate care We promote wholeness of body mind and spirit in the Dominican tradition of working with others to improve the health status of the community in a shared pursuit for justice and truth with a commitment to those with special needs

St Rose Dominican Hospitals Core Values
Dignity Respecting the inherent value and worth each person possesses as a member of the human family

Collaboration Working together with people who support common values and vision to achieve shared goals

Justice Advocating for change of social structures that undermine human dignity demonstrating special concern for the poor

Stewardship Cultivating the resources entrusted to our care as we promote healing and wholeness

Excellence A shared commitment to exceed expected results in our work and service through team work and innovation


Our History
St Rose Dominican Hospitals and the town where it originated has an amazing history

The town of Henderson rose out of a dusty spot of desert in the early 1940s and its lifeblood was Basic Magnesium Inc a plant that pulled water and electricity from what was then called Boulder Dam to produce magnesium a material used for munitions and airplane parts during the war When World War II ended magnesium production was no longer needed for defense purposes so many of the 14000 employees moved away A key piece of the Basic Magnesium property Basic Magnesium Hospital was put up for sale

And so the saga of the Adrian Dominican Sisters begins highlights from the past 60 years are described below

1942 Basic Magnesium Hospital is founded by the US government to provide health care to area industrial workers and their families during the war

19451946 The government looks for a buyer Mother General Mary Gerald of the Adrian Dominican Sisters of Adrian Michigan agrees with Bishop Thomas K Gorman that the Order should purchase and manage the hospital

1947 The hospital is sold to the Sisters for 1 a year with the stipulation that they assume the debt and operate the hospital for 25 years The facility is named Rose de Lima Hospital

1955 Rose de Lima Hospital is the first in southern Nevada to be accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals

1956 The hospital is the first medical facility in the area to obtain a radioisotope nuclear medicine laboratory and the first fully accredited cancer treatment center

1960 The hospital opens a threestory patient wing emergency room surgery suites and obstetrics unit

1961 A new 20bed neuropsychiatric unit is established Rose de Lima becomes the first private hospital in the area to have a contract with State Mental Health

1972 The hospital celebrates its 25th anniversary as a 100 bed facility with intensive care physical therapy inhalation therapy and diagnostic xray units

1974 The word quotSaintquot is added to the hospitals name making it St Rose de Lima The government awards the final land title to the hospital

1988 St Rose de Lima joins in cosponsorship with Catholic Healthcare West the largest Catholic healthcare organization in the west

1989 The hospital changes its name to St Rose Dominican Hospital in honor of the founding Sisters

1991 A 25 million fourstory expansion is completed with new medical facilities including maternal child suites

1992 St Rose becomes the first hospital in the US to install the GE Vectra 15T MR breast coil which tests the viability of silicon breast implants and questionable lumps found by mammograms

19941995 The hospital expands to include a cardiac catheterization laboratory and the Wiegand Cardiac Rehabilitation Center

1998 Ground is broken and blessed for the 185 million St Rose Dominican Hospital Siena Campus an acute care facility that will eventually have 300 patient rooms

The current hospital is renamed St Rose Dominican Hospital Rose de Lima Campus Two surgery suites and 20 beds are added to the Rose de Lima Campus Project Investment 13 million

The hospital opens the 17 million Parkway Medical Plaza a threestory medical complex dedicated to ambulatory care which includes The Barbara Greenspun WomensCare Center of Excellence The facility also features rehabilitation services and the Parkway Imaging Center

1999 The Greenspun Family Foundation donates 3 million to The Barbara Greenspun WomensCare Center of Excellence The center addresses womens unique wellness needs from a mindbodyspirit perspective emphasizing education and informational resources

The hospital opens the Hartwell Medical Center at Warm Springs and Shadow CrestSpencer The 34 million center serves residents of southeast Las Vegas and Henderson with physicians offices

2000 The hospital completes a 25 million expansion of its Rose de Lima Campus Emergency Department increasing its size from 5999 to more than 9600 square feet and featuring 9 additional patient beds increasing the current count from 14 to 23 an expanded waiting room and a larger lighted helicopter pad

With the opening of a second campus the hospital is renamed St Rose Dominican Hospitals

The first phase of St Rose Dominican Hospitals Siena Campus opens with 141 patient rooms and the Del E Webb Medical Plaza In November the Joint Replacement Center is introduced at the Siena Campus

2001 In late December 2000 the State approves St Roses Open Heart program at the Siena Campus The first open heart surgery is performed on January 2 2001 During the spring and summer of 2001 St Rose introduces three new units at the Siena Campus The Chest Pain Unit monitors patients in the emergency room for up to 24 hours to determine cause of pain and an appropriate care plan The Oncology Unit provides focused care in a separate area for oncologycancer patients their families and friends The PostAngioplasty Unit closely monitors and attends to the needs of patients who have just undergone an angioplasty in the hospitals Cardiac Catheterization Lab

At the Rose de Lima Campus the Transitional Care Unit is modified into an Acute Rehabilitation Unit providing specialized care including rehab services to patients who have suffered a severe or extended illness or injury

2002 The Rose de Lima Campus celebrates its 55th anniversary and is the first hospital in Nevada to introduce the PillCam camera in a capsule technology which enables physicians to view the entire small intestine This allows them to better detectdiagnose conditions such as Crohns disease irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease

2003 St Rose Dominican Hospitals Siena Campus fourth floor build out is completed The expansion includes 66 private patient rooms including a Pediatrics unit and a Pediatrics ICU unit an additional Csection surgery suite an expanded pharmacy and numerous facility enhancements St Rose also introduces a new Cath Lab at the Rose de Lima Campus featuring the Innova 2000 with InnovaSpin technology

2004 Ground is broken and blessed for St Rose Dominican Hospitals third acutecare facility the San Martiacuten Campus The hospital will be located in southwest Las Vegas

2006 St Rose Dominican Hospitals opens its San Martiacuten Campus in southwest Las Vegas The first phase of the fourfloor hospital opens with 111 beds a threestory medical office building and shelled space for an additional 90 beds

2007 St Rose Dominican Hospitals Rose de Lima Campus celebrates its 60th anniversary with yearlong festivities including a formal rededication ceremony Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Units open at both the Siena and San Martiacuten Campuses an Open Heart Surgery Center opens at the San Martiacuten Campus and the hospital acquires the CHW systems first da Vincireg Surgical System

2008 The year starts off with the opening of a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NICU at the Siena Campus which allows the hospital to provide the highest levels of care for the tiniest of patients St Rose also begins the first inhome hospice services in Henderson The San Martiacuten Campus Open Heart Surgery Center adds the Volcano Intravascular Ultrasound IVUS system St Rose partners with Nevada Imaging Centers with its five locations continuing to operate under the same name
Michigan Hospital Designated Baby Friendly

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Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

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