St Pancras Hospital

Name :

St Pancras Hospital

Address  :

4 St Pancras Way

Town  :


State  :

Greater London

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

020 3317 3500

Fax  :

020 7530 3104

Web URL  :

Not Available


A number of services are provided at St Pancras Hospital and these include

inpatient rehabilitation unit

podiatry or foot care service

mental health continuing care for older people

carers support service providing support for carers and family members of people with mental health problems

inpatient care for older people with mental health problems

clinical psychology services in older adults wards

acute inpatient mental health care

day services including individual and group work for people with mental health problems

a crisis resolution team providing rapid assessment and support to residents of south Camden who are experiencing major mental health crisis

south Camden memory service for older patients with early onset of memory problems
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