St Joseph's Comm Health Servs

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St Joseph's Comm Health Servs

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400 Water Avenue
P.O. Box 527

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Phone  :

608 489 8000

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About St Josephs
St Josephs Community Health Services in Hillsboro is beautifully located on a lake creating a pleasant view for patients residents visitors and employees It is a wonderful place to work and the community is a great place to raise a family

St Josephs Community Health Services is an independent corporation We provide medical services to our community through our acutecare hospital and three area clinics Our community spans into five counties including Vernon Juneau Sauk Monroe and Richland and consists of many small towns including Hillsboro Elroy and Wonewoc Our total service area population is approximately 18000 people

St Josephs Memorial Hospital includes two trauma rooms and a beautiful operating room suite Additional services are available to our patients through our team of hospital and clinics staff St Josephs Family Clinics are located in HillsboroElroy and Wonewoc Wisconsin We currently have six family practitioners rotating between the three clinics location


HansberrySchute Era 19111949
First hospital is established in few rooms of the Novy Building in downtown Hillsboro by PH Hansberry MD who practices there with his brother from Wonewoc

When need for a larger hospital becomes evident Hansberry purchases a large home on South Water at High Street the Hansberry Hospital we have seen in pictures picture in St Josephs cafeteria

Clara A Schute a recent graduate of St Francis School of Nursing in La Crosse becomes the hospital Superintendent

A new addition is added to the Hansberry Hospital including a new operating room several patients rooms and an Administrators office

More rooms a new office and a new reception hall are added to the Hansberry Hospital

Dr Hansberry dies at age 70 and Clara Schute acquires ownership of the Hansberry Hospital Reverend Father DJ Smetana pastor of St Aloysius and John A Cesnik a Hillsboro businessman begin efforts to induce an organization to take on the operation of a more modern larger hospital

Rice Lake Sisters Era 19491956

Father Smetana and John Cesnik confer with the Franciscan Sisters of Rice Lake Mother M Alphonse Mother General of the order and superintendent of Rice Lakes hospital comes to Hillsboro to inspect the Hansberry Hospital On July 2nd the hospital is purchased and is renamed St Josephs

Chaired by John Cesnik an advisory committee is formed to promote construction of a new hospital A fund drive is initiated

The federal government approves the project and grants 125000 Other funds include Vernon County 50000 local pledges 125000 and a loan of 175000 from the La Crosse Catholic Diocese through the Rice Lake Sisters

On July 27th the cornerstone is laid PAX ET BONUM Peace and Goodness motto of Rice Lake Sisters

New hospital is dedicated on March 19th Dedication plaque reads This hospital is dedicated to the memory of those men and women who served and died for their country in times of war to preserve democracy for our nation and it pledges the care of the sick injured and aged regardless of race color or creed The old Hansberry Hospital is remodeled as a home for the aged

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration FSPA Era 1956Present

Rice Lake Sisters withdraw from the hospital Patient census has dropped to one Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration FSPA of La Crosse agree to manage operate and supervise St Josephs Sister Mary Gregory Floor Supervisor Sister Jean Marie AdministratorAnesthetist Sister Josara Lab TechXRay and Sister Leone Food Supervisor comprise the original four FSPA Sisters assigned to St Josephs

October FSPA assumed sponsorship and debts of 152000 of St Josephs

Modern 20bed nursing home addition is completed

First lay administrator William Green is hired FSPAs continue in various departments until 2000

Nursing Home addition of 44 beds is completed

Remodeling and expansion project begun in 1976 is completed with new facilities for laboratory ambulance entrance physical therapy OB surgery Administrators office and lobby

Remodeling of the wing formerly housing the sisters living quarters and the Hillsboro Family Health Clinic is completed It provided facilities for cardiac rehabilitation social and mental health services natural family planning community health resources center personnel department and conference room

St Josephs Board of Directors signs a management contract with Lakewood Group to provide a Chief Executive Officer as well as various other management services The Lakewood Group is purchased by the BRIM companies in 1991

Addition for Rehab Services and a new surgical area are started The Cornerstone of Care Campaign raises over 500000 of this expansion money This committee consists of the St Josephs Foundation and volunteers of the surrounding area

Addition is completed Remodeling of OB XRay Rehab Services outpatient area hospital and ER nurses station main lobby and a family waiting area are also completed

The Behavioral Health Unit BHU opens in July In October St Josephs Wellness Center opens in the house next door to offer alternative medicine to our community In order to accommodate the needs for our community due to health insurance and managed care organizations St Josephs hires John Jones MD and starts its own clinic located within the hospital on December 1st

A second physician Dr Francis Joseph is hired on July 6th to work in St Josephs Clinic On July 9th the facilitys name is changed from St Josephs Memorial Hospital and Home Inc to St Josephs Community health Services Inc On October 17th St Josephs Clinic is dedicated in honor of Dr Thomas Boston a retired family physician of the community

On January 25th Dr John Jones retires February 1st Dr Warren Williams is hired to work in St Josephs Clinic The Behavioral Health Unit is closed The Wellness Center becomes an independent practice by the acupuncturist later the house is vacated In August a second clinic is opened in Elroy where Dr Williams moves his practice Bill Bruce assumes CEO position in November Urgent Care becomes Convenient Care extends its hours and is staffed by physicians through the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative

Critical Access Hospital CAH designation is received in February allowing for costbased reimbursement for services rendered Contract with BRIM Management Company is discontinued in August Bill Bruce is hired directly by St Josephs as the Chief Executive Officer CEO Debbie Tietjen Nurse PractitionerCertified Nurse Midwife begins working in St Josephs Clinic in September

Local hospital embraces the need to focus on the community and St Josephs Board of Directors authorizes the recruitment of physicians and the reopening o obstetrical services Three family practitioners who do OB were added to the medical staff and a larger clinic was opened in Elroy

New outreach services implemented including cardiology St Josephs Board of Directors continues planning for the future
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