St Gabriel's Hospital


Name :

St Gabriel's Hospital

Address  :

815 S.E. 2nd Street

Town  :

Little Falls

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

320 632 5441

Web URL  :


Our Mission
The Mission of St Gabriels Hospital St Camillus Place
Alverna Apartments and Albany Area Hospital amp Medical Center is to nurture the healing ministry of the Church by bringing it new life
energy and viability in the 21st century

Fidelity to the Gospel urges us to emphasize human dignity and
social justice as we move toward the creation of healthier communities

Our Core Values
Reverence means profound awe respect and love Shaping relationships to self to one another and to God and acknowledging that we hold in trust all that has been given to us

Observable ActionsBehaviors
Respectful treatment of all persons
Stewardship of resources
EncouragementSeeking of diversity
Commitment to care for the whole person Body Mind and Spirit
Expressing gratitude and respect toward others
Integrating spirituality into the workplace in caregiving
Accepting one another without judgment or discrimination

Integrity means moral wholeness soundness uprightness honesty and sincerity as a basis for trustworthiness

Observable ActionsBehaviors
Honesty in all actions
Openness in communication
Justice in all relationships
Unconditional regard for the worth of all persons
Being accountable for beliefs attitudes and actions
Providing honest appraisal of ones own and others strengths and areas for
Maintaining confidentiality
Courage to walk the talk

Compassion means feeling with others being one with others in their sorrows and joy rooted in the sense of solidarity as members of the human community

Observable ActionsBehaviors
Treatment of others as we wish to be treated with respect for their
dignity and need
Listening with sensitivity
Commitment to the common good
Special concern for persons who are poor vulnerable dependent and
Advocacy for those in need
Celebrating successes and providing support in failures

Excellence means outstanding achievement merit virtue surpassing
standards to achievemaintain quality

Observable ActionsBehaviors
Continuous learning and development to improve self and performance
Focus on the future as opportunity for progress and achievement
Pioneering spirit creativity innovation and appropriate risktaking
Maximizing resources through collaboration to achieve excellence
Identifying and rewarding best practices
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