St Elizabeth Health Services


Name :

St Elizabeth Health Services

Address  :

3325 Pocahontas Road

Town  :

Baker City

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

541 523 6461

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 115

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray


Located in Baker City in beautiful Eastern Oregon Saint Alphonsus Medical Center Baker City is a health care organization that provides the continuum from acute to long term care services Nestled beneath the Elkhorn Mountains Saint Alphonsus Medical Center Baker City serves Baker County and surrounding areas

As a part of Trinity Health and the Saint Alphonsus Health System we are able to benefit from our relationship with one of the largest Catholic healthcare providers in the United States However because all administrative control is based locally we are also able to respond to the needs of the community in a timely manner

Saint Alphonsus Medical Center Baker City has a dedicated Board of Directors and a dedicated Foundation Board of Directors

Having been a part of Baker County for nearly 113 years we have developed relationships with those we serve in many ways like a family Our concern and personal touch have become our tradition and our professionalism and warmth continue to radiate into our community

Our Mission
We serve together in Trinity Health in the spirit of the Gospel to heal body mind and spirit to improve the health of our communities and to steward the resources entrusted to us

Our Values
The Trinity Health Core Values are fundamental and reflect the philosophy of the organization They form the basis for the organizations spiritual center They are the connection for finding meaning and purpose Our values provide the standards for evaluation They are nonnegotiable freely chosen and will stand the test of time


social justice


Care of the poor and underserved



Our History
The Sisters of St Francis of Philadelphia opened St Elizabeth Hospital on August 24 1897 in response to a request by Archbishop William L Gross Through the years St Elizabeth Health Services has continued to serve the health care needs of the Baker community and its surrounding areas

Initially the hospital staffed by just three Sisters was located at the corner of Second and Church streets in a renovated building formerly St Francis Academy that was operated by the sisters During St Elizabeth Hospitals first year the Sisters provided care to 115 patients many of whom were local gold miners These men were covered by a unique kind of health insurance For a contribution of one dollar a month each miner received complete health care services an arrangement that made St Elizabeth Hospital one of the earliest quotHealth Maintenance Organizationsquot in the country

In 1912 construction began for a new 115bed facility which was completed in 1915 During the influenza epidemic of that time many influenza patients were treated at the hospital and Sisters also went to the home of these people to care for them

Over the years since then the times and standards have changed and St Elizabeth Hospital has changed too In 1967 it became apparent a new facility and support services were needed As a result the Sisters took another step forward initiating the construction of a new 50bed onestory facility in April 1969 which the Hospital moved into in October 1970

In this current home general nursing care is provided as well as specialized services in the departments of Rehabilitation Home Health Respiratory Therapy Laboratory Radiology Intensive CareCoronary Care Obstetrics Surgery PostAnesthesia Recovery Pastoral Care Patient ServicesPatient Education and Emergency Care with 24 hour inhouse coverage

In May 1987 an 80 bed one story facility was completed to house a nursing home adjoining the Hospital The facility was then renamed St Elizabeth Hospital and Health Care Center

In the summer of 1992 St Elizabeth Hospital and Health Care Center found a need to add another 40beds to the nursing home Due to changes in the health care needs a skilled unit was included as part of this addition

In May 1996 the Franciscan Health System joined up with two other systems to create what is now Catholic Health Initiatives Through this consolidation the strength of others experiences has contributed to a stable foundation that we can build on in these challenging times During this process St Elizabeth Hospital and Health Care Center was renamed St Elizabeth Health Services

In July of 2003 St Elizabeth Health Services became a critical access hospital Currently we are licensed for 36 beds in the hospital and 60 beds in the Care Center

On April 1 2010 we joined Trinity Health and formed the Saint Alphonsus Health System made up of hospitals in Boise Nampa Ontario and Baker City In the middle of September 2010 we changed our name to be Saint Alphonsus Medical Center Baker City
The Mount Sinai Hospital Experts Debunk the 5 Most Common Postpartum Depression Myths Plaguing Latin

According to a recent study more than 30 of Latinas in the US and Mexico suffer perinatal or postpartum depression making it the number one complication of pregnancy among Latinas In an effort to raise visibility for a disease that is often dismissed physicians from The Mount Sinai Hospital debunked the 5 most prevalent Latino myths about postpart... Read More

Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More