St Edward Mercy Medical Center

Name :

St Edward Mercy Medical Center

Address  :

7301 Rogers Avenue
P.O. Box 17000

Town  :

Fort Smith

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

479 314 6000

Web URL  :

Email  :

  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Oncologist
  • Paediatrics

Total Number Of Beds : 336


St Edward Mercy Medical Center
Located in Fort Smith AR St Edward Mercy Medical Center is a general acute care hospital licensed for 336 beds As a member of the Sisters of Mercy Health System St Edward Mercy has a long history of providing care to all who need it St Edward Mercy is a notforprofit hospital that sets high standards for health care and promises to offer quality care while working to keep health care costs down We provide a staff of dedicated health care professionals to serve you and your family

Since 1905 St Edward Mercy has served the health care needs of Fort Smith and surrounding communities We offer advanced technologies and the highest caliber of physicians and nurses to deliver a broad range of services with dedication to providing care with compassion and Christian values

Our Mission
Rooted in the mission of Jesus and the healing ministry of the Church and faithful to Catherine McAuleys service tradition marked by justice excellence stewardship and respect for the dignity of each person St Edward Mercy implements and advocates innovative health and quality of life of communities served with particular concern for people who are economically poor

Our Vision
As a people entrusted with the healing ministry of the Catholic Church we will make a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve To achieve this we will

Strive to ensure access to all by working with others to develop a complete
and operationally effective range of health and social service

Excel in the delivery management and measurement of service and clinical
quality and

Implement innovative and integrated health care delivery models

Our Core Values

We accept all persons as created in the image of God

We honor each persons rights and responsibilities in light of the common good

We respond with compassion to the needs of others

We strive to attain high standards of performance and proficiency

We wisely use our talents and resources
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