St Aloisius Medical Center

Name :

St Aloisius Medical Center

Address  :

325 East Brewster Street

Town  :


State  :

North Dakota

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

701 324 4651

Fax  :

701 324 4687

Web URL  :


ICU Beds : 2

Total Number Of Beds : 25

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray
  • CT/MRI
  • physical therapy


The St Aloisius Medical Center in unison with the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation work for the glory of God by bringing the Word and Healing of Jesus Christ to all with the special concern for the elderly and the poor St Aloisius Medical Center through a shared ministry with the laity participate in the health care mission in their work of healing which is the work of God Our individual inspiration is Jesus and his Gospel message Permeated with the Charism of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation we minister to one another and to all who come to us for care


The serious need for a hospital became apparent to the people of Harvey
in 1910 when an association was formed and a stock company was
organized for the purpose of building a hospital Ground was broken
January 23 1913 and the hospital incorporated that year The Harvey
Hospital was opened March 23 1914 by the Clark Brothers assisted by Dr
Nugent and a woman doctor The Hospital rendered efficient service but
was shortlived due to financial difficulty

The Harvey Hospital was reorganized in 1916 with a change of directors
Dr Robert Reimche was in residence assisted by Dr Robb until the death
of Dr Reimche in 1918 The Hospital management was then assumed by
Dr Titzel a surgeon from Des Moines Iowa but without success and the
hospital was closed The building came into use first as an apartment
house and then for classrooms for the Harvey Public School

Dr John J Seibel reopened the building as a private hospital in 1927 and
continued until the early 1930s when it was operated as the Lutheran
Good Samaritan Hospital In June 1938 the stockholders offered the
hospital for sale to the Reverend Charles A Eck Pastor of the St Cecelia
Catholic Church

After deciding to accept the offer of the stockholders the Sisters took
charge in the morning of October 16 1938 and the hospital has
successfully served the community since that time Their desire was to
respond to community needs and heal as Jesus heals SMP took over the
operation of the existing hospital building opened in 1910 The first baby
born in the new establishment was Duane Holzer of Manfred ND on
October 18 1938

Where many others had failed the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation have
operated the hospital as a vital service to the area embracing many towns
in numerous counties with infallible faith and devotion to the sick without
regard to race or creed

In 1943 the hospital was enlarged and improved to meet the existing
needs and demands of both the Harvey community plus surrounding

In 1958 a new 51bed hospital was built and dedicated while the old
building was converted into a nursing homeA new extended care facility was built with 56 beds and dedicated in 1974
Hospitals Are Allowed to Not Hire Fat People

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How do you protect your children from household poisons

Selina Esteves thought that she knew everything when it came to protecting her children from danger The Toronto mother works at the Hospital for Sick Children and is constantly surrounded by messages about the importance of safety But she received a major jolt about four months ago when her toddler drank two bottles of liquid medication when ... Read More