Spooner Health System

Name :

Spooner Health System

Address  :

819 Ash Street

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715 635 2111

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Spooner Health System



To provide high quality healthcarequot

To become the recognized leader in providing quality healthcare in an expanding range of progressive services


The Person
We believe each individual is unique deserving respect and compassion We believe that through honest communication and understanding we can make a difference

Service achieved through excellence and perfection in a genuine meritorious manner while serving our customers with a respectful approach

Certainty in providing services with selfassurance and respect through knowledge and continued growth within our fields

To become better and surpass to send a message of knowledge and experience

To work together with an intense feeling and eagerness to inspire others to new levels of excellence


Spooner Health System began as a 25bed single story community generated hospital with a fourbed OB unit included In 1964 an addition was completed that included a ninebed OB section increasing total capacity to 32 beds A solarium was added to the south end of the hospital building at the same time for improved convalescence In 1965 a 50bed nursing home complex was built adjacent to the hospital and connecting rooms housed the administrative offices

The hospital quickly outgrew and outdated itself Plans were started in 1969 for a new updated facility The new hospital was built two stories high with room for expansion of a third floor in the future if needed The new facility was completed and dedicated in 1975 Administrative staff were housed on the main floor patient care rooms cardiac care OB ward were all on the second floor Xray physical therapy inservice education were all located in the lower level At this time the old hospital building was converted to longterm care patients and a 90bed longterm care license was obtained

In the late 80s plans were made to update the nursing home by remodeling and adding new wings to the existing nursing home building and eliminating the old buildings This plan was completed and dedication occurred in 1992 The nursing home remained 90 bed but multiple private rooms were now available

Major remodeling and additions were completed in the hospital starting in the mid 1990s New operating room suites emergency room entrance and treatment rooms were created administration was relocated physical therapy and xray services were moved to easily accessible ground floor areas and all major patient care diagnostic equipment was updated to stateoftheart levels Acute care inpatient rooms were downsized in number but outpatient care departments were increased in size The hospital was physically extended to connect with the onsite family practice care clinic located on the premises The name of the facility was changed to Spooner Health System officially in August of 1998

In February 2004 Spooner Health System underwent a conversion to become a Critical Access Hospital Collaboration between the Department of Health and Family Services Bureau of Quality Assurance and the Wisconsin Office of Rural Health resulted in the implementation of the Critical Access Hospital program in Wisconsin A critical access hospital is a rural hospital that provides shortterm inpatient and emergency hospital services
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