Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center

Name :

Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center

Address  :

1304 Chinook Lane

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

719 545 2746

Fax  :

719 584 0110

Web URL  :


Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center is a nonprofit behavioral healthcare organization in Pueblo Colorado Spanish Peaks has been providing mental health services since 1962 We offer a range of mental health services in Pueblo Huerfano and Las Animas counties in Southern Colorado

Our Mission
It is the mission of Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center to make available a comprehensive range of quality communitybased mental health care services in the least restrictive manner to residents of Pueblo Huerfano and Las Animas Counties

Our Values
To our clients
WE BELIEVE clients are our highest priority They
are the reason why Spanish Peaks Mental Health
Center exists

WE BELIEVE in the preservation of human dignity
self respect and client rights to a caring

WE BELIEVE in the clientcentered approach to care
in which the total health needs of the client are
addressed The clients families are encouraged to
become involved in their loved ones treatment

To our community
WE BELIEVE that Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center
should be responsive to the mental health care
needs of its communities and should direct its
resources to meet those needs in a cost effective

WE BELIEVE that Spanish Peaks Mental Health Center
should be a good corporate citizen of the
community maintaining communications with the
various publics we serve and participating actively
in community affairs particularly related to
health and mental care

Elmer Hospital named babyfriendly

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Diagnosis of Diseases Through Ages

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