South Huron Medical Centre


Name :

South Huron Medical Centre

Address  :

23 Huron St. West

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

N0M 1S2

Phone  :

519 235 3343

Fax  :

519 235 3405

Web URL  :

South Huron Medical Centre


The South Huron Hospital serves the municipalities of South Huron and Bluewater We provide acute medical inpatient services complex continuing care emergency care and a range of outpatient clinics including a family medical centre

We work in partnership with local regional and provincial health care providers

Our MISSION we serve our communities by providing quality health care We are proactive leaders with our partners in an integrated health system

Our VISION is to make a difference by recognizing and responding to the continuing health care needs of our community

Our VALUES are Respect Compassion Accountability and Professionalism


This history of the Carling property on which South Huron Hospital is built goes back to the beginning of Exeter The original house was built in 1854 When the estate was offered for sale in 1951 the South Huron Hospital Association purchased it and made the decision to incorporate the old home into the hospital plans

The Exeter Lions Club originally spearheaded the hospital project The first manager was H C Rivers and the first superintendent was Alice Claypole The hospital opened in 1953 with 30 staff members

A financial gift from Dr James Bell allowed for the construction of Nurses residence which housed a class of 14 RNAs Once the nursing program was closed this residence became the existing Exeter Professional Centre
In 1961 a new wing was built on the original house increasing the hospitals capacity to 52 beds Further expansion in 1966 added kitchen dining room and laundry facilities

In 1976 due to the deterioration of the 122year old house and because the hospital needed expansion the Board of Directors regretfully decided to demolish the original house and replace it with the modern facilities we continue to enjoy today
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