South Central Kansas Regional Medical Center

Name :

South Central Kansas Regional Medical Center

Address  :

6401 Patterson Parkway

Town  :

Arkansas City

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

620 442 2500

Fax  :

620 441 5966

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • ENT
  • Orthopedics
  • Podiatry
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 64

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


to provide care of unprecedented quality exceptional comfort and timely unrestricted access to all residents of South Central
Kansas and the adjacent region To establish and maintain strategic relationships with local physicians allied health professionals
and upstream healthcare providers thereby ensuring the continuity of care to our local community and regional customer base

to be the peoples choice for quality efficient healthcare in South Central Kansas and the surrounding region


Our History
Through the years we have helped generation after generation reach better health Our organization has been striving to serve the needs of our region since we were established

In 1905 Mercy Hospital now known as South Central Kansas Medical Center was built at 801 N First in Arkansas City

By 1921 Mercy Hospital had had doubled in size and transitioned from a single physician hospital to a physician partnership with multiple owners

The physican group sold Mercy Hospital in 1949 to the City of Arkansas City

The city passed a bond issue and constructed a new wing bringing the facility to 64 beds in 1951 and adding an additional 55 beds in 1957

In 1971 the remaining original structure was replaced with a new front entry

In 1996 the name was changed to South Central Kansas Regional Medical Center to better reflect the area served by the facility

TodaySouth Central Kansas Medical Center is working hard to prepare for the future of our communitys healthcare with a new facility The SCKMC replacement facility project will allow the hospital to expand the services they offer our community by taking advantage of a modern and efficient design which combines cutting edge technology with the highest quality of healthcare available

Nine years ago one hundred and sixtyeight acres of land was handpicked by our local physicians and generously donated to be used for the site of the replacement hospital The regional accessibility and availability of resources allow not only room for the hospital to expand over time but to also develop the entire property as a complete medical campus The campus would include independent businesses such as a dialysis center medical supply companies pharmacies physician offices a cancer center and more

With modern medicines focus on outpatient services diagnostic testing and better faster results as the foundation for the buildings design our community will be able to receive a wider variety of care locally and continue to attract physician specialists to the region

Regardless of your health status or preference in physicians the replacement facility along with the anticipated site development will create a positive effect for everyone within our community A new facility will be the anchor for future development and additional employment opportunities As the hospital grows and additional business develops on the site longterm good paying jobs will be created within our community Those businesses and their jobs help support our local economy expand our area tax base increase our chances for outside industrial recruitment and improve the quality of life for everyone within the community

Being part of the community has been an important goal throughout the years and with your help and loyalty we can continue to provide health services that you can depend on
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