Soldiers' Home In Holyoke

Name :

Soldiers' Home In Holyoke

Address  :

110 Cherry Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

413 532 9475

Fax  :

413 538 7968

Web URL  :


Mission Vision and Goals
The mission of the Soldiers Home in Holyoke is to provide with honor and dignity the highest quality of personal health care services to Massachusetts Veterans Our vision is to be recognized as the health care provider of choice for all Veterans residing in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Our strategic plan involves improving the overall organizational performance by using past proven successful modalities and implementing the principles of Total Quality Management

Specifically our goals are as follows

Stay in touch with all Soldiers Home Veterans needs and expectations

Maintain financial viability

Maintain compliance with all licensing agencies eg Department of Veterans
Affairs and JCAHO as well as maintain compliance with local state and
federal regulations

Provide adequate staffing to meet the requirements of all licensing agencies
and Veteransneeds

Maintain a safe secure pleasant physical plant environment that complies
with all local state and federal requirements and codes

Strive to continuously improve the health care services available

This combined process will establish a continuum of quality health care which will improve service delivery while reducing costs
Elmer Hospital named babyfriendly

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People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

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