So Humboldt Comm Hlthcare Dist


Name :

So Humboldt Comm Hlthcare Dist

Address  :

733 Cedar St.

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Phone  :

707 923 3921

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SHCHD operates a small acute care district hospital Jerold Phelps Community Hospital in southern Humboldt County In some form healthcare has been offered to the people of this community on this location since 1949 The community hospital itself was formed in 1960 which eventually led to the formation of the Healthcare District in 1980

Since that time there have been many changes but the overall mission of the district has remained the same to provide the highest level of quality care possible to serve the varying needs of our diverse population

The hospital received Critical Access Hospital status in March 2002 helping position us for a more sustainable future

District services include an acute care hospital emergency laboratory and radiology services skilled nursing facility and a Rural Health Clinic the Southern Humboldt Community Clinic

With strong community support including a supplemental property tax SHCHD continues its work to assure quality healthcare for residents and visitors alike
UT Southwesterns New University Hospital Will Be Named to Honor Former Gov William P Clements Jr

DALLAS April 12 2012 PRNewswireUSNewswire UT Southwestern Medical Center will name its new stateoftheart University Hospital now under construction to honor legendary Texas Gov William P Clements Jr in recognition of his 2009 gift of 100 million to the Southwestern Medical Foundation the largest single gift for the benefit of UT Southwestern in th... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More