Shriners Hosps For Children Cincinnati


Name :

Shriners Hosps For Children Cincinnati

Address  :

3229 Burnet Avenue

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State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

45229 3095

Phone  :

513 872 6000

Fax  :

513 872 6999

Web URL  :


Located near downtown Cincinnati Shriners Hospitals for Childrenreg Cincinnati is designated by the American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons as a Verified Burn Center meeting the highest standards of burn care Our inpatient and outpatient units are designed to allow children to recover in a safe fun and friendly environment Every member of our staff from surgeons to therapists nurses to orthotists is focused on providing the highest quality care that puts the family at the center of the team

Our Mission
Shriners Hospitals for Childrenreg Cincinnati is a 30bed pediatric burn hospital research and teaching center The hospital is a Verified Burn Center by the American Burn Association and the American College of Surgeons

Our familycentered approach to care is designed to support the whole family during the acute and reconstructive phases of a childs injury Located in downtown Cincinnati our hospital treats children from all over the country and around the world and has unique relationships with some of the top hospitals and universities in the world

Our transport team has a pediatric air ambulance equipped and staffed to transport pediatric burn patients This team operates like an intensive care unit in the air bringing the stateoftheart technology Shriners Hospitals for Children is known for right to the referring hospital so that the criticallyinjured child can receive this care within hours

Our Mission
Shriners Hospitals for Children has a mission to

Provide the highest quality care to children with neuromusculoskeletal
conditions burn injuries and other special healthcare needs within a
compassionate familycentered and collaborative care environment

Provide for the education of physicians and other healthcare professionals

Conduct research to discover new knowledge that improves the quality of care
and quality of life of children and families

This mission is carried out without regard to race color creed sex or sect disability national origin or ability of a patient or family to pay

Our Vision
Shriners Hospitals for Children will be the unquestioned leader nationally and internationally in caring for children and advancing the field in its specialty areas
Evergreen Hospital Earns FiveYear BabyFriendly Hospital Designation

KIRKLAND Wash March 29 2012 PRNewswire via COMTEX Evergreen Healthcare today announced it has renewed its fiveyear designation as a BabyFriendly Hospital demonstrating the organizations commitment to adopting new policies and procedures that lead to improved health outcomes for newborns and families The designation is awarded by BabyFriendly US... Read More

We thought it was just stress burnout

He wasnt remembering deadlines and appointments at work He was also making a lot of mistakes At home he was totally exhausted He would just tune out read the newspaper watch television and not talk very much Nona says quotWe thought it was just stress burnoutquot But Mike was actually showing signs of memory loss difficulty performing tasks m... Read More