Searhc Mt Edgecumbe Hospital


Name :

Searhc Mt Edgecumbe Hospital

Address  :

222 Tongass Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

907 966 2411

Web URL  :

Email  :


Our Mission
To provide the highest quality health services in partnership with Native people

Our Vision
To improve the health status of Native people in Southeast Alaska and other partners to the highest possible level

Our Values
We value healthy lifestyle choices among the people in Southeast Alaska

We value a high quality and responsive health system through a process of
continuous improvement

We value respect and dignity for patients visitors and staff

We value effective partnerships among staff and Native people


Our History
SEARHC is a nonprofit tribal health consortium of 18 Native communities which serves the health interests of the Tlingit Haida Tsimshian and other Native people of Southeast Alaska We are one of the oldest and largest Nativerun health organizations in the nation

SEARHC was established in 1975 under the provisions of the Indian SelfDetermination Act The intent of this legislation was to have Indian Health Service programs and facilities turned over to tribal management Our contracting with IHS began in 1976 when we took over management of the Community Health Aides Program In 1982 we took over operation of the IHS Juneau clinic and in 1986 we took over operation of Mt Edgecumbe Hospital
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Jaslok Chief Saves Lives On Marine Drive

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