Samuel Simmonds Mem Hospital

Name :

Samuel Simmonds Mem Hospital

Address  :

PO Box 29

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Phone  :

907 852 4611

Web URL  :


Our Mission
Our Mission is to quotprovide culturally sensitive quality healthcare for communities of the Arctic Slopequot

Our Vision
In service of its mission the Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital will provide collaborative cohesive teamwork in support of the continuous improvement in the quality of health care and fordefining its valuesquot

Our Values
With guidance and support from elders the Governing Body and all operations of the Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital will be guided by the values of the Inupiat people of the Arctic Slope These Inupiat values are

Respect for Elders Others and Nature

Family Kinship and Roles


Knowledge of the Language


Love and Respect for One Another


Hunting Traditions



Avoidance of Conflict



Hospital History
Constructed in 1963 this critical access facility is the only hospital available to residents of an area larger than the state of Washington The hospital was named after the late Samuel Simmonds who served as a Presbyterian minister and native rights advocate

In 1966 control of the hospital transferred from the Indian Health Service to a 638 contracting agreement between Indian Health Services and Arctic Slope Native Association Since the transfer Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital has received top scores as a critical facility from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
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