Samaritan Regional Health Syst

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Samaritan Regional Health Syst

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1025 Center Street

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419 289 0491

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Samaritan Regional Health System or SRHS as affectionately coined by the community is a 110 bed acute care facility conveniently located between two of Ohios largest cities Cleveland and Columbus The sixty minute drive to either destination makes Ashland Ohio a desirable family friendly dwelling for both young and old alike

Theres no doubt about it Ashland County residents have the best of both worldsa communityfocused health care organization with the latest innovative equipment right in their own back yard

Mission Vision and Values
The mission of Samaritan Regional Health System is to take the lead in promoting the health and wellness of people in the communities we serve

Healthy communities through quality healthcare

Compassion and Respect for our patients their families our employees and our community

so that we deserve the faith and respect of others

Service Excellence
through wise decisions sharing of knowledge and continually improving all we do as we serve others


In 1912 an ordinary Sunday School lesson anchored the pivotal foundation of an extraordinary gift that provides continuous blessings to the City of Ashland nearly 100 years later On that historical day local philanthropists Jesse Lewis JL and Mary Clark embraced the love and compassion inherent in the story of the Good Samaritan and vowed to build quota hospital where no sick person would ever be refused carequot In honor of its inception the stateoftheart facility was named Samaritan Hospital and officially gifted to the City of Ashland

Now known as Samaritan Regional Health System SRHS only by drawing strength from our roots have we been able to extend our branches Our core commitment remains true to the vision of the Clarks which is a daily blessing we never take for granted Whether its hospitality extended to patients and visitors or gentle compassion demonstrated in our practice of medicine our values of compassion and respect integrity and service excellence are as constant as our founders

quotMore than machinery we need humanity More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness Without these qualitiesall will be lostquot Charlie Chaplin 18891977

Our Current Status

While we are encouraged by the latest medical advances and even future groundbreaking achievements in our field our core source of comfort and care will always rest with our most precious assetour human resources
Yes we take a proactive approach to care constantly evaluating growth opportunities while investing in advanced medicine and technology But our greatest investment still remains our employees physicians volunteers community leaders board members and most importantly well educated patients

Our diagnostic equipment includes an MRI an advanced nuclear medicine camera a 32slice multislice CT scanner and a lowrisk adult heart catheterization lab In 2007 we embarked on our largest and most extensive Capital Campaign since the early 1970s We celebrated 2009 with the completion of the first phase of our aggressive remodeling vision opening our new patient focused Emergency Department that is now the envy of others and equipped to care for some 40000 patients a year compared to the old capacity of 28000

With our current project we hope to directly impact the nearly 40 of local birthing mothers who feel they need to travel elsewhere to realize their dream birthing experience The 25 year old Birthing and Womens Unit will feature new LDRP rooms which stand for labor delivery recovery and post partum The larger rooms encompass a holistic approach to the birthing experience allowing the entire family to celebrate the miracle of life

Just as we improve upon the original 1912 building which is no longer recognizable behind the sprawling expansions over the decades we continue to challenge our highly qualified personnel to rise above mediocre to embrace change and to set about making a differenceTODAY

Since 2005 our employees have embarked on a journey that would change their lives foreverthe quotPersonal Bestquot journey Together as a team we have learned about the personalities and characteristics that change the dynamics of our working relationships Because of this deeper understanding we have grown together for the betterment of those we serve

Personal Best goes beyond the classroom and is applied to everyday life and everyday relationships We are all better people not because we attended a mandatory class but because we embraced the opportunity to change our lives upon the dawn of each new day We willingly accepted the challenge to travel on this journey the journey the Clarks set forth nearly 100 years ago

Perhaps the light that shines so bright in each member of SRHSs team is what makes us special We are more than bricks and mortar We are a unified team surrounding you sustaining you in you and your familys time of need whether it be a time of sadness or celebration
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