Samaritan Memorial Hospital

Name :

Samaritan Memorial Hospital

Address  :

1205 North Missouri Street

Town  :


State  :

New York

Country  :


Post Code:

13601 4066

Phone  :

660 385 8700

Web URL  :


Citizen involvement in hospital health care needs is a tradition that began with Mr and Mrs Theodore Gary in the late 1920s The lack of modern hospital facilities in Macon County prompted the Garys to envision build and equip a hospital in Macon

In early 1943 the judges of Macon County Court signed an agreement to take over the management of the hospital and the hospital was officially named Macon County Samaritan Memorial Hospital County voters passed a bond issue to purchase and maintain the hospital Citizen support for the hospital throughout the county was reflected in a six to one majority vote for the bond issue

As needs continued to grow and change the vision to provide quality hospital care in Macon County led to a series of expansion and improvement projects over the years

In 1963 a three story addition to the south end of the hospital increased the bed capacity from 25 to 36 beds

A wing was added to the south end of the hospital in 1969 adding a kitchen dining room and additional patient rooms

In 1972 the hospital was a 48 bed institution At this time an ambulance garage and elevator were added

Further growth in 1979 provided a wing to increase space for labs xray emergency room obstetrics and nursery physical therapy medical records administrative offices and a waiting area

Due to the increasing demand in outpatient services a new building was added in 1997 This provided much needed space for specialty clinics including chemotherapy treatment physical therapy patient accounts and a wellness cednter for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation A new main entrance was also created as well as remodeling and expansion of the existing laboratory emergency room radiology and maternity department to accommodate future growth In addition some hospital improvements have been made possible through generous bequests from the estates of community minded residents

Throughout the years citizens have served as trustees for the hospital The five trustees work with the hospital administration in making decisions that effect the hospitals operation
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