Saint Mary's Hospital


Name :

Saint Mary's Hospital

Address  :

56 Franklin Street

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Phone  :

203 709 6000

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Saint Marys Health System provides excellent healthcare in a spiritually enriched environment to improve the health of our community

Saint Marys Health System will be the leading regional healthcare provider

Integrity Commitment to doing what is right

Caring Compassionate approach to addressing the healthcare needs of all people

Accountability Personal responsibility for the performance of Saint Marys Health System

Respect Respect for the dignity worth and rights of others

Excellence Working together in pursuit of superior clinical quality and service to others


Saint Marys Hospital has played a vital role in the history of Greater Waterbury providing nearly a century of service to the people of the Central Naugatuck Valley Founded in 1907 by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chambery Saint Marys has been a beacon of healing and hope for more than 90 years The hospitals earliest benefactor was the Right Reverend Monsignor William J Slocum permanent rector of Immaculate Conception Church in Waterbury He made an early contribution of 20000 to get the project off the ground A reminder of just how generous a gift that was for the time comes from the fact that the entire debt for Saint Marys Hospital after its first 22 months of operation was just 111000

From its earliest days Saint Marys has enjoyed tremendous support in the community More than 400 women formed the Ladies Aid Society before the hospital was even dedicated A crowd in excess of 20000 thronged Union Square in September 1907 to lay the Hospital cornerstone Two years later Saint Marys was formally dedicated the new health center boasted a staff of 14 including seven Sisters Today about 1800 of your neighbors and friends are hard at work caring for you your family and your community The hospital continues to expand its network of services forging alliances with other key health care providers and exploring new ways to comfort and cure
Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

Many migraine sufferers could have fewer less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines but few eligible patients do say doctors releasing updated treatment guidelines Monday The guidelines list seven prescription medicines and one herbal remedy backed by strong evidence and include many other treatments that might work for some patient... Read More

Diagnosis of Diseases Through Ages

Diagnosis of diseases in the past involved very primitive equipments Cutting edge technology as is seen today was not heard of in the past KG Hospital when established in the year 1974 had very few gadgets to diagnose equipments However every effort was made to import advanced and sophisticated equipments as were available in the West so as to make... Read More