Runnymede Healthcare Centre


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Runnymede Healthcare Centre

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625 Runnymede Road

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M6S 3A3

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Runnymede Healthcare Centre


Runnymede Healthcare Centre is more than just the compassionate care that is inherent in the hospital It about a better way of managing and caring and living

It not about just doing a job It about providing superiority of care It not about getting patients through the hospital It about making them better than when they first arrived

It not about constructing a new building It about creating a culture of excellence

What you find at Runnymede is not just a hand extended and a heart open but a mindset formed that makes excellence a part of every aspect of our life here From fiscal responsibility to patient care to advanced infrastructure our goal is to set new standards

But a complex continuing care hospital is more than the sum of its parts It a living entity that should set an example of what patient care should be

Our managers our staff our volunteers our support are all ready to lead the way to a higher form of healthcare It all starts here That Runnymede Because we make it possible


Runnymede Healthcare Centre is more than just the compassionate care that is inherent in the hospital It about a better way of managing and caring and living

It not about just doing a job It about providing superiority of care It not about getting patients through the hospital It about making them better than when they first arrived

It not about constructing a new building It about creating a culture of excellence

What you find at Runnymede is not just a hand extended and a heart open but a mindset formed that makes excellence a part of every aspect of our life here From fiscal responsibility to patient care to advanced infrastructure our goal is to set new standards

But a complex continuing care hospital is more than the sum of its parts It a living entity that should set an example of what patient care should be

Our managers our staff our volunteers our support are all ready to lead the way to a higher form of healthcare It all starts here That Runnymede Because we make it possible
The Mount Sinai Hospital Experts Debunk the 5 Most Common Postpartum Depression Myths Plaguing Latin

According to a recent study more than 30 of Latinas in the US and Mexico suffer perinatal or postpartum depression making it the number one complication of pregnancy among Latinas In an effort to raise visibility for a disease that is often dismissed physicians from The Mount Sinai Hospital debunked the 5 most prevalent Latino myths about postpart... Read More

Going to the Alzheimer support group certainly made it easier for me

Yvonne and Laurie Schwartz have made use of their local Alzheimer Society For ten months after Lauries diagnosis they tried to keep it hidden from their friends Yvonne says quotIt was the most difficult time you could imagine Laurie didnt want people to know He didnt want them staring at himquot They eventually joined an Alzheimer support group for... Read More