Reynolds Memorial Hospital

Name :

Reynolds Memorial Hospital

Address  :

800 Wheeling Avenue

Town  :

Glen Dale

State  :

West Virginia

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

304 845 3211

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Cardiothoracic Surgeon
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 127


About Reynolds Memorial Hospital
Reynolds Memorial Hospital is a nonprofit acutecare community hospital located in Glen Dale WV We are governed by a 25member volunteer board of directors and licensed for 107beds and a 20bed Skilled Nursing Unit


Our History
Reynolds Memorial Hospital is a nonprofit acutecare community hospital located in Glen Dale WV We are governed by a 25member volunteer board of directors and licensed for 107beds and a 20bed Skilled Nursing Unit

The hospital began as Gods Providence Home an old farmhouse converted to an infirmary by BM Spurr Archdeacon of the WV Episcopal Diocese In 1899 Archdeacon Spurr founded the hospital through funding provided by Emily Van Buren Reynolds daughter of US President Martin Van Buren in memory of her husband and sons The current facility was constructed in 1963 Expansion and modernization continue with the most recent addition of a new womens health center

Few elements of a community can impact the quality of life like practical accessible health care At Reynolds Memorial Hospital our mission is to provide quality care to patients and the community at a reasonable cost We are proud of our reputation for compassion and sincere concern Through shared values and a creative approach to improving service the professional staff at Reynolds Memorial Hospital have demonstrated this commitment to remain focused on our tradition of caring and to assure the quality service as health care evolves

Reynolds Memorial Hospital is licensed by the WV State Health Department and is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations The hospital is a member of the Voluntary Hospital Association Inc the American Hospital Association and the WV Hospital Association
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