Research Medical Center


Name :

Research Medical Center

Address  :

2316 East Meyer Boulevard

Town  :

Kansas City

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

816 276 4000

Web URL  :

  • Gastro-enterology
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Pain Management
  • Pulmonology

Other Facilities

  • CT/MRI


To touch lives with hope healing comfort and care

Together we will be the provider and employer of choice in the communities we serve

We will accomplish this through
Provision of statistically superior care

Achievement of high satisfaction levels

Greater market share presence in the communities we serve

Sound financial performance

I smile and make eye contact I introduce myself and refer to customers by
their preferred name

I use body language and tone of voice to show kindness and interest

I listen and ask questions to clarify

I make customers and their needs the focus of my actions

I create a positive culture by showing a courteous attitude under all

I recognize coworkers strengths and capabilities I promote coworkers to
patients and families

I ask customers and coworkers what I can do to help them I say what I can
do not what I cannot do

I treat others as I would like to be treated

I lead by example I dress appropriately in clean and neat clothing wearing
my name badge so all can see it

I allow others to exit first from elevators if transporting a patient on a
bed I politely ask others to wait

I respect personal and cultural differences

I avoid medical jargon and speak to patients in words they understand

I am polite I use proper phone etiquette I say thank you

I help keep the workplace well maintained I clean up pick up and wipe up

I will strive to find solutions to problems

I offer assistance and directions in a timely manner to all customers and
anticipate their needs

I ask my patients if they are comfortable and satisfied I take ownership to
resolve any issues

I take responsibility for successfully completing assignments
UT Southwesterns New University Hospital Will Be Named to Honor Former Gov William P Clements Jr

DALLAS April 12 2012 PRNewswireUSNewswire UT Southwestern Medical Center will name its new stateoftheart University Hospital now under construction to honor legendary Texas Gov William P Clements Jr in recognition of his 2009 gift of 100 million to the Southwestern Medical Foundation the largest single gift for the benefit of UT Southwestern in th... Read More

10 Million Aging Baby Boomers Heading Straight Into Alzheimer Years

One night my mother wandered I had no idea I was sound asleep When I woke up and found her she was fully dressed Her shoes were soaking wet It had rained the day before so I realized she had been out That was the turning point Thats when I knew I could no longer care for my mother at home It was beyond my control Helen Hendersons experience with... Read More