Public Health - South Delta

Name :

Public Health - South Delta

Address  :

4470 Clarence Taylor Cres

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V4K 3W3

Phone  :

604 952 3550

Fax  :

604 946 6953

Web URL  :


Provides services that address ways to minimize the spread of childhood disease including education about handwashing and ways to minimize the spread of respiratory infections as well as education and provision of childhood immunizations Where available age appropriate schoolbased programs are offered Contact the local public health unit for more information
CDC Autism is more common than previously thought

New research showing one in 88 US children have autism spectrum disorders is focusing national attention on the need for earlier diagnosis and treatment especially in rural and minority communities Figures released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show a 23 increase in autism spectrum cases from 2006 to 2008 and 78 incr... Read More

Can technology help overcome Australias healthcare challenges

Australia similar to other more mature markets in the Asia Pacific is increasingly facing a number of healthcare challenges Continued population growth demands for increased access to highquality healthcare an aging population shortage of clinicians and increasing budgetary pressures in healthcare institutions are just some of the issues faced by a... Read More